Monday, October 19, 2009


Very open & serious this time round.

Like some normal girls, we'd just go on a secret diet that only we know deep inside our fat stubby body. 
But from now onwards, I'm just going to be all open about it. & since today's the start of a new semester, 
this is the greatest time to start when all the stress starts to come in & excuses for skipping meals are great.

I used to be on diets but it always fails cause whenever there's a gathering or so,
friends would be there to stuff you with food or call you stubborn when you keep pushing them away. 
So I thought maybe letting them know openly would be better. 
At the same time, they'll be supporting & encouraging you all the time (:

Partly I've been keeping it a little low-profile because ever since I've stopped training for Netball, 
all my muscles were still bulk & solid, I look like a build, muscular, manly person. 
It's almost impossible to lose weight when you got all muscles & no fats right? 
So I waited for my arms to turn flabby, my abs to turn wrinkly & my legs to turn shabby, then time is perfect to tone up (:
Believe me or not, it took me almost 2 years no strenuous exercise to turn muscles into fats (!!!)

So I hope my investments on L'oreal Body Expertise products won't go to a waste. 
Even if there's no results, I'll make sure I cry until I lose that weight.
& Baby sorry for flaring up at you this afternoon cause you tipped me off for spending so much unnecessary money. I'm doing this all for you right?
You wouldn't want to walk beside a fat bride down the aisle, would you?
Or you sponsor me money to go slimming centers la?

I know some guys prefer their girlfriend to be meaty.
Like how Baby use to pinch my lump of belly fats & say "So cute." 
What the fuck!? How cute can a lump of fats be?

Possible comments on this would be:
1. Jiayou! You can do it.
2. Glad that you know you're fat.
3. Don't be silly, you're not a ted fat.

I'll set it out straight by telling you I'll only accept comments 1 & 2.

Yes I am jealous of people who are born naturally thin/slim, unfortunately I wasn't. 
But losing a size from 10 to 6 would be more impressive, no?

So if you think you're fat & also needs a diet, then feel free to join me (:
I'll be more than happy with kakis & clubs.
But if you're thin already & wanted to lose weight, 
I'll slap you awake & buy you GNC Weight Gainer.

This afternoon in ITAS I told my clique
"I'm on diet this sem. & at the end of this sem, I'll look like ______."
Ros replied this "If you really become like ______, I'll fall in love with you. Serious."

I know some optimistic people will say
"You only live once!"
Or, "Live's too short, you need to enjoy the food!"

Snap that out!
I know I only live once & I'm going to live it looking good ^.^
& it's not like I won't get to enjoy good food, it's all about moderation right?

Discipline is the key to success!

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