but now, I'm doing it. (So you should feel honored you're the first.)
Despite girlfs stopping me from defaming people on blogs
In this case, it's not like just 1 hugeass incident, but 3 T-H-R-E-E!!!???
Ok, cut the crap & straight to the point ok people?
INCIDENT #1: She accused me of spreading rumors of her flirting with guy classmates.
Allow me some time to laugh first before I continue this entry ok?
Anyway, she (totally) took 3 or 4 of her blog entries just to catch my attention & make me realise something's fishy, that the person she's scolding is actually me.
Me: Hi. Do you have anything to tell me?
More or less the convo we had, can't really remember all.
Ok, after this incident, we're settled (for me).
INCIDENT #2a: I deleted her from my Facebook & MSN.
So she text me.
I deleted her in my Facebook & MSN cause at that point of time,
INCIDENT #2b: "Someone's stalking me."
After so many incidents we had, our 'friendship' is more or less... shitty?
Once again, she asked me on MSN, who am I referring to in my post.
Ok la. Short incident 2b.
INCIDENT #2c: I tweet about something regarding not smiling when you see a friend.
I admit I tweeted harshly. But, was I refering to her again? Straight NO!
& when I said that I didn't see you, I really didn't lor.
I wouldn't have known that you (& your another friend which I don't wish to name) had been publishing about me in your respective blog lor.
"And for your information, if you were talking about me, just admit it, don't keep denying because it only makes me feel that you're a BITCH."
"Sticking into one boyfriend because ONLY HE loves you?"
"You parents never teach you to respect people?"
"If I were to play along, it only makes me childish."
"Telling JingZhong, your baby/hub(the way you want to copy my friend) about me"
"Your voice is also rough what."
"Whatever your boyfriend can buy for you? I pity him because he is not really wealthy but has to buy so many things for you."
"oh, her big thighs lo..."
"But till now, you've been badmouthing me to your friend."
"And saying my friend MEL/IVY? Stop dragging them in because they are so much prettier and better than YOU ! At least, a kind soul."
"your best friend just quit her course."
"Last but not least, are you trying to add everyone in Fb/Msn to get closer to them or whatever reasons you can give?"
"I don't know why you hated me sooooo much that you have to START badmouthing me when in the first place WE DON'T EVEN KNOW each other AT ALL."
Thanks for putting my name so big in your blog(s) ah, but why not bold de?
Btw, this post is not to tackle back whatever nasty things she said about me in her blog. Nor am I trying to clear my name. (In whatever shit you think I land myself in.)
It really confused me deeply lor.
I should be thankful for all the comments people made about me.
Despite girlfs stopping me from defaming people on blogs
(cause they think its super childish, totally sec sch), I went against them.
But they still gave me their support. (Thanks girls.)
In this case, it's not like just 1 hugeass incident, but 3 T-H-R-E-E!!!???
I can say that the first few was minor & was 'settled'.
Settled in my case but I don't know why she kept HARPING on it.
Not my fault if she chose to be narrow-minded what.
Ok, cut the crap & straight to the point ok people?
INCIDENT #1: She accused me of spreading rumors of her flirting with guy classmates.
Here are the links if you wna know what she said about me
Allow me some time to laugh first before I continue this entry ok?
I laughed everytime I think about this.
Cause some of the guys in her class totally cannot make it lor.
I am saying SOME, not ALL. I haven't lost my sense of judgement ok.
Anyway, she (totally) took 3 or 4 of her blog entries just to catch my attention & make me realise something's fishy, that the person she's scolding is actually me.
Ok, let's not talk about how I feel first, let's talk about what goes next.
Sensing something amiss, I confronted her la. (No harm asking what.)
Sensing something amiss, I confronted her la. (No harm asking what.)
& indeed, it was me ((:
I can still remember vaguely on how our conversation was about:
Me: Hi. Do you have anything to tell me?
She: (5mins later) Ya. I want to ask you why you spread rumors about me flirting with the guys in my class. I treat you as a friend, but I didn't expect you to say that.
Me: I didn't say that. In the first place, I've never mentioned about you before.
She: Oh, I think it's just a misunderstanding.
Me: But since you said you have evidence, I would like to hear about it.
She: Don (her boyf) say that your boyf told him that I flirt with guys in my class.
Me: Huh!? I did not say that. & even so, my boyf's not the type of person who will tell his friend about something like this to spoil his friend's r/s.
She: Oh, ok. Since you said that, I trust you.
More or less the convo we had, can't really remember all.
If your conscience is clear, why bother about what people say behind your back?
It also shows that there's no trust between you & your boyf right? LOL.
After that I still hao xin ask her if she'd taken her dinner & all lorrrr!
& hor, very funny leh. You said you treated me as a friend.
If you really treated me as a friend, you wouldn't have blog-shit about me & just confronted me straigtht right? Why go one big round?
Let's say you had a problem with a friend whom you'll see everyday,
will you blog-shit about it instead or just asking her directly in school?
What if I don't frequent her blog leh? Then how?
She's gna continue scolding me until year 3 ah LOL.
Ok, after this incident, we're settled (for me).
But I don't know what she thinks la.
I think I damn wei qu lor. Kena scold until like that still can forget it.
She didn't even apologise or delete those nasty & untrue entries about me lor.
So thinking that we're back to normal friends, that's why I initiated chats with her once or twice.
(Ok, this sentence will link to what she said in incident #3.)
INCIDENT #2a: I deleted her from my Facebook & MSN.
So she text me.
Asking my number from her boyf, & her boyf ask from my boyf.
(I'm starting to hate this boyf link between us.)
I deleted her in my Facebook & MSN cause at that point of time,
she was scolding someone profusely in her Facebook & blog.
(I used to check her Fb & read her blog, once in a while.)
At the exact same point of time, I WAS also scolding someone (will come to this later) the same way she did.
& I thought she'd read my updates & mistook me for scolding her, so I deleted her lor. I meant well that's why I deleted her ok. If not sure cat-fight if things comes to the worst.
Not knowing that she also drops-by my Facebook profile & blog frequently, I deleted her.
(Actually I don't know la. My own assumption that she's been stalking me. But after thinking, it makes sense leh. I deleted her at night, then the next day, she asked me why I deleted her already. Means she've been visiting my Fb la? Else how would she know I deleted her? If some friends you don't care about have deleted you, you will know meh? No right? Unless you also got go to their page.)
Ok, so after she text me & I explained, settled again (for me, don't know if for her).
If you wna know more about what happened, I heard her intention when she wanted my number was to ask me why my classmate pointed middle finger at her. Ok, it goes like this...
One day we're having a lecture & there's someone who was talking damn loudly behind me & my group of friends. I was pretty pissed but ignored. However, my friend turned back & to no avail, it was her, still talking at the top of her voice *rolleyes
She talked damn loudly laaa! So inconsiderate lor.
& fortunately unfortunately/unfortunately fortunately, she caught my friend's glimpse when he turned back.
& the most infuriating thing happened. She barked back at him saying "What!?".
Can't stand people being rude & unfriendly especially when it was their fault, my friend pointed a middle finger at her & turned back.
You totally deserve it girl _l_
INCIDENT #2b: "Someone's stalking me."
After so many incidents we had, our 'friendship' is more or less... shitty?
Or worst. So we're kind of on guard of each other already.
Ok, there was once I stated in one of my blog entry.
"Come create Twitter & follow me la. Stalker."
Once again, she asked me on MSN, who am I referring to in my post.
Like I've mentioned earlier, I said I've been bitching about someone right?
Sadly, not her la. So I said its not her lor.
But I don't know why she's not convinced.
& even told me she's a stalker too. (Like I care about your business?)
Ok la. Short incident 2b.
INCIDENT #2c: I tweet about something regarding not smiling when you see a friend.
I admit I tweeted harshly. But, was I refering to her again? Straight NO!
She text me & asked if I was referring to her, again.
Before I even reply the first message, she sent me another one.
Lecturing me on its wrong to say other people's eyes got problem yadah x3.
(Cause she thinks I'm referring to her what, of course say it's not right la.)
Fine lor, I admit it was my bad for cursing people like that. Sorry ok?
I did get my punishment what.
Remember that muthafucking eye infection I had for that dragged for weeks!??
& when I said that I didn't see you, I really didn't lor.
Maybe because you were busy with your phone (thats what she said) that's why I didn't see your face & couldn't recognize you.
A few days later when I saw you & you saw me too, I did smile at you but, you ignored me lor. So dao.
/editted: Post was removed cos some people just don't have the ballx.
Dare to scolde but don't dare to show?
STFU on the "I think it's too harsh, so I deleted it."
I think you're just scared readers will start hating you. Too bad they already did.
I read those entries & I know you'll be madly hoping I'd be affected by it.
But too bad, I wasn't (:
I wouldn't have known that you (& your another friend which I don't wish to name) had been publishing about me in your respective blog lor.
Put my name so big somemore.
Oh ya, I wouldn't have known if its not for one of your friend (whom I think treats me more like a friend than you) told me about it lor. Thank you friend (;
Cause as a matter of fact, I've stopped visiting your blogs & Facebook cause I'm not a stalker like you. I got better things to do ok.
Ok, back to the interesting topic.
Since when was I referring to you? Buay paiseh much? Did you even see your name?
Please don't think too highly of yourself alright? Ain't no one is talking about you, paranoid!
Here's some of the stuff she said about me:
"And for your information, if you were talking about me, just admit it, don't keep denying because it only makes me feel that you're a BITCH."
In the first place I wasn't even referring to you lorrrr! BHB!
Of course I've to deny la. I really wasn't referring to you what,
what you want me to say?
"Sticking into one boyfriend because ONLY HE loves you?"
What's wrong with that?
You want me to keep changing boyf meh? Then you'll say I flirt right?
Or you'll say "She so ugly also so many guys want ah?"
Don't tell me you go into a r/s planning to end it early?
& if I am not wrong, Don & you got together around the same time as me & Jz.
So, pot calling the kettle black?
But, in my assumption, you also stick to him only right?
Btw, I have ex(s) too. So don't assume I only got 1 boyf ok.
& how you know there's no other guys who're interested in me?
Your own assumption again?
Just that I didn't boast like you do indirectly, posting some random conversations about you & a guy.
You have a boyf, but does he even bother about your presence? Sad to say no?
I don't really mind if no one elses love me.
At least Jz loves me WHOLEHEARTEDLY (:
"Come on, if you're unhappy with me, come to me."
Look who's talking...
"You parents never teach you to respect people?"
My parents did. But I can judge who deserve my respect (:
So commenting on whatever I say shows you got respect la?
& assuming I was refering to you with no evidence or some sort & accusing me is respect?
Oh btw, I don't think its disrespectful to post your photo on my blog.
Cause I don't see why I should respect you when you don't show me your respect.
When your friend print-screened my Fb profile & posted it into his blog, you said "Nice one." But when I put your photo from Fb (btw I grabbed that photo from your friend's profile, not yours) into my blog, you said my parents didn't teach me to respect people.
So according to your friend's (the same friend) Reading-Between-The-Lines concept, you're also telling him his parents didn't teach him la? Haha.
"I am sad for you because you only have Shuxian as your friend in class."
Yes, so what is I only got Sx as the only good/close friend in class?
Does it matter? I go school to learn. Not engage in some BFF shit ok.
I don't even mind, so who are you to care. For me?
My friends are not from Science school what. They're all in Business.
& I got friends from other courses too. Maybe you don't know?
(Happy that everyone in my clique is in TP (: )
& please don't make up your own story by saying my classmates doesn't like me.
Or 8/10 people doesn't like me cause you're not mixing around with them either.
How'd you know? I think you only know 10 people in school that's why.
& those 10 happened to be your classmate. HAHAHAHAHA!
I also only see you with your clique leh (I don't really bother noticing you.)
No other friends from other school?
& my classmates don't like me? Then why they still ask me out all the time?
Instead, I heard people telling me that you offended a lot of people in your sec school.
Not only that, when you come to TP, those people from your CCA dislike you too.
Why is this so? You're really a nuisance, ain't you? Haha.
Even though it's true if you say I'm nuts, going around hating people,
then you're worst than me, going around making people hate you.
(I wonder how many people disliked you so far...)
"If I were to play along, it only makes me childish."
Excuse me, in the first place, you're the only one in the game.
So who's the childish one? Hah!
"Your face is as rough as the roads."
LOL! & maybe you should take a look at yourself in the mirror too?
If I never remember wrongly, I think one/some of your readers commented about your 'blackheads' on your forehead right? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
Classic joke, totally. Criticizing someone when you're no better.
Oh, so if you're saying my complexion is bad, are you saying your friend also?
I don't know which one la, the one with the ghostly face in the photo taken with you. Omg.
Her face is chui. So if you're saying mine is as bad as the road, then what is your friend's?
Tips: If you wna insult about something, please take a look around you. Make sure you're not hurting your friends as well (:
"Oh ya, build up your fashion sense."
Fine la I admit.
But flora jeans? Since when I have flora jeans?
Even my grandma doesn't wear flora jeans. Does your mom have it?
Are you trying to make up stories to defame me further? Haha.
Even if I want flora jeans, I also don't know where to buy lor.
Maybe your work place got sell?
As for that brown top, I think I know which one you're refering to.
I know it's aunty la, even my boyf said so but, you go school for fashion show?
FYI, I am not those type of vain girl who bothers about my looks.
Just a kind reminder to you too, I overheard MANY people saying you dress very skimpily. Not I say one ah, don't jump into conclusions again. Is other people say de. I just overheard them & kindly telling you (:
& another thing that they said was, your sitting posture.
As a girl, I'm telling you now to close your legs when you sit ok?
Be more graceful.
You're a pleasant looking girl, so don't spoil the overall impression ok?
"Telling JingZhong, your baby/hub(the way you want to copy my friend) about me"
So there's only a few ways to address your boyfriend:
Baby, Dear, Dearest, Darling, Hubby, Honey. Only 6 names.
So only 6 people on Earth can use the word la?
Then like that need petition liao lor.
Who's your friend I'm copying? Is she complaining to you?
& I didn't talk to him about you leh, please.
We have our own life, & you don't stand a place in ours.
Oh, & can you please x3 stop telling everyone Don & my boyf live right next to each other & telling them where they stay?
I was shocked when Weiyang came telling me he stalked my boyf & knows where he's staying when in actual fact, you're the big-mouth who told him.
Is it a must to let them know? Do you know what is privacy?
"...telling people about Don what PSP or Phone thingy"
Its true what. Your irresponsible boyf borrowed PSP charger from Jz & didn't return cause he lost it.
But nevermind la, so long already.
"Don't you think that they are so not interested?"
They ask me so I say lor.
Ya la, I also think they're not interested to know about your story also.
"Your voice is also rough what."
I wasn't even refering to you lor. So sensitive for what?
"Why commenting on others when you're not perfect?"
Then are you saying you're perfect? Commenting about me?
If you say you're better than me thus commenting about me then... I got nothing to say.
It's your own mouth, your own thinking, I got no right to stop you from giving comments.
Just like how you're not fit to tell me what to do as well (:
& you don't know what exactly happened to me & another her,
(the one I AM referring to) so please don't ASSUME again.
"Oh ya, all along I thought your results were good because you claimed that you can get As and I seriously envy on how smart you are but today, when someone told me your GPA is only 2.5-2.9 , I changed my mind."
Since when I CLAIMED I can get As? I don't remember saying that.
Huh? Who's the one who told you that my GPA is only 2.5-2.9?
Sorry to tell you but your source is unreliable. Haha.
But if you'd like to think it that way then its totally up to you.
For your information, GPA is not something really important to me cause I'm going private/oversea Us anyway.
I am studying now because I WANT to, not because I NEED to. Get it?
I can just relax & get a pass grade, then happily go to a U.
So why study like a dog & get a GPA that still can't qualify for local U?
GPA must be at least 3.98 to get into local U if you haven't planned your future.
& I didn't say that my results is good what.
Sem 1 I was totally not in the mood to study & didn't really put in effort to study but I can still get this GPA not bad leh I think. Haha.
& I got black-listed for BChem? But overall I got B+ leh how?
"I think you should change your course."
Oh yea? I should? I think you should be the one. Cause...
Awww, you didn't make it for the cut, did you?
Your dance mates told me you aren't even qualified for this course, you came in through JPSAE.
& looks like your dance mates didn't like you a lot either.
Seriously, I'm curious what have you done to your life man. Why so many people detest you.
So if you're thinking people don't deserve to be in this course, reflect upon yourself first ok?
I came in through my potential, you came in through the back door.
"Stop saying you take pure Bio. Cause pure bio & cell bio is totally different thing."
Oh. I forgot you don't take pure Bio. Do you even take any pure science??
Cause if you don't, please don't assume you know what we learn?
Some topics we learn in CellB or BChem, even PIPC, is covered in Pure Bio.
Go get the textbook if you don't believe. You can enhance your knowledge too.
"Whatever your boyfriend can buy for you? I pity him because he is not really wealthy but has to buy so many things for you."
Yes, he is not born with silver spoon, but are you?
He might not be from a rich family, but his independent & diligent nature should be complimented from everyone, especially you.
He earns his own extra income, hardly takes money from parents cause he doesn't want to burden them, wasn't spoilt & extremely filial.
& despite all that, he made an effort to save & buy stuff for me, when I didn't ask for them.
Every girl's dream guy, isn't it?
Rather than some rich boyf who uses their parents wealth to please a girl.
Where's the sincerity?
I think you misunderstood the entire purpose of gift-giving.
Even the rich don't look down on the poor but just look at yourself.
"oh, her big thighs lo..."
I know my thighs are fat & big, & is very conscious of it.
But, I've been living with it for 18years, doesn't affect me (:
If I haven't been doing sports since I was a kid, who knows my figure would be better than yours??
Yes I gta agree on your slim legs but, it looks exactly like a man's.
So muscular, not even lean. I'm gagging.
"But till now, you've been badmouthing me to your friend."
A thousandth times I've to tell you,
"And saying my friend MEL/IVY? Stop dragging them in because they are so much prettier and better than YOU ! At least, a kind soul."
I know who is Ivy, but no idea who is Mel.
& look, you're the one dragging THEM in, not me.
Cause I haven't mentioned about them before, did I? I hardly even know them la.
This is a bias statement.
Of course everyone will say their friend is good la.
Who will say their friend is ugly & worse off?
Siao lang.
"your best friend just quit her course."
You even stalked my friend?
Seems like you've invested a lot of time on us (:
"Last but not least, are you trying to add everyone in Fb/Msn to get closer to them or whatever reasons you can give?"
Please lor, don't know who's 'begging' me to add her back on Facebook when I deleted her.
Who's more in need of friends?
& please ask your friend Junella to stop adding me on Fb. Thks.
I don't anyhow add any ahmao-ahgou(s), only people I known of.
Btw, if you find that my post on Facebook is annoying you or flooding your page,
why don't you just simply delete me? Its as simple as a click.
Why get yourself annoyed when you got a choice? LOL.
Funny how you like to piss yourself off. So inflexible with your own life.
"I don't know why you hated me sooooo much that you have to START badmouthing me when in the first place WE DON'T EVEN KNOW each other AT ALL."
Ok, the millionth time.
I wasn't refering to you. Sick of saying this.
& btw, you're like the one who started this whole thing hor?
I didn't say I hate you, so don't put words into my mouth.
"My hairstyle sucks."
Huh? Even my hair you also not happy ah?
Why you care so much about me ah? They're just my dead cells.
"You should learn from your friends, they're better than you."
Oh really? Same here for your case.
Your friends are better-looking & more discreet than you (:
& are you trying to boot-lick my friend Sx here?
Praise her so much in your blog. (I'm assuming (: )
I GUESS you're trying to be nice to her cause you don't want her to dislike you knowing I will tell her stuff about you.
Sorry, it doesn't work. Everyone thinks you're disgusting.
So, you're trying a little too hard girl (:
"...UV tattoo..."
FYI, what UV tattoo are you talking about?
Have I ever said mine's a UV tattoo? I said it's white-inked right?
Mine's normal ink, but white in colour! Disappointed? So ain't no one is getting cancer, ok?
& I've asked the tattoo artist before, so don't have to worry for me.
Its true that UV tattoo is suspected carcinogens, but no research have been conducted to prove it yet.
(Here's what Wiki says: UV Tattoo. Love Wiki (:)
So what if it's ugly? Its on my ugly body what, not yours.
&, UV tattoo leads to cancer? What doesn't?
Love the sun? Skin cancer.
Smoker? Lung cancer.
Heavy drinker? Liver cancer.
Glutting over BBQ food? All sorts of cancer.
& even healthy looking people risk having cancers too, like (in alphabetical order)
AIDs-related cancer, anal cancer, appendix cancer,
Bile duct cancer, bladder cancer, bone cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer,
Cervical cancer, childhood cancer(?), colon cancer,
Endometrail cancer, esophageal cancer, eye cancer...
Ok, my list stops here but if you wna know more, go Wiki.
Jeez, I thought you WERE smart, much less a Science student.
How come you didn't know all these?
You've just proven yourself to be so shallow after all.
Whoops, I forgot you're just a B-I-M-B-O!
That word reads bim-bo if you still can't figure out.
(Oh shat, I tried not to be mean cause I don't wna dirty my mouth on undesirable people like U but, I gta be honest, right?)
"You will have your karma."
Its my karma to meet you.
Link: (11th Feb 2010)
/editted: Blog deleted. Haha. Ballx-less freak!
Hi, but I do not know you? Only seen you in school before.
& I don't think its right for you (as a guy somemore) to be involved in this.
But I understand as a friend, you'll wna help another friend who's in need.
I don't really wish to elaborate about your entry cause I can treat it as nothing.
You hate me cause she's your friend.
She hated me, so eventually, you'll also hate me after listening to what she said.
But let me set this clear, I didn't say I was pretty. I said SHE was pretty.
& yes I did mention that I look like her but that's not from me,
that's what my friendS told me. Not only 1 but 2.
There's a part where I said I was the uglier 'twin' right?
Don't understand that part?
(Oh btw, the 'her' I'm referring to here is another her. & the Donovan I mentioned was another Don, not her Don. There's only 1 Don meh. & this Don wasn't her boyf so it's totally different from your case.)
& linking back to her blog, one of her friend said something about being humble?
I said I was UGLIER leh. Not humble enough ah?
Then what is being humble to you?
& then, another friend.
"Even though I only know Thedric for less than a year, but I believe what he said. Esther, seriously what the fuck do you want?"
What did I tell Thedric? I didn't even tell him anything lor.
Maybe I should ask him what nonsense he sprouted again.
Ok I'm done (:
Thanks for putting my name so big in your blog(s) ah, but why not bold de?
& I didn't know you told your 'whole' class lor.
I only told 2 person from my clique leh & they're both from Bus school.
(How? Lose to you already lor. Haha.)
Btw, stop recruiting people by updating them about what I've done.
Cause when I asked them why do they think I was referring to you, they can't even give me a reason that parallels with their mindset.
Shows how not incoherent you are, if you know what I mean.
So I really find it funny when you said the person has finally came forward & told you everything.
My friends don't even know you & they won't wna know.
Who's that imaginary'person' of yours?
Besides, I told only told them about you when Incident #1 happened.
But after it was settled, no one spoke a word of it.
So what kind of story are you trying to make up again?
Oh ya, & regarding those angust tweets,
You think I so dumb ah (like you).
If I want to scolde, I'd make sure that person sees it right?
Therefor that particular person would require to have a Twitter account (you have meh?)
& if you say it's reflected into my Facebook profile as well,
that's cause sometimes when I'm outside & I wna post something on my wall, I can just SMS Twitter.
(Sorry la lao niang handphone not as high-tech as yours can go Internet but now I got iTouch ^.^)
If not why do you think I'd bother twitting so much & deleting them away from my wall? (:
(Die die must add a smiley here.)
So perhaps your next dying question would be: So who you're refering to?
Like I've told Don, your dear 'boyf' who wants to interfere, it's not someone that you guys know.
If I tell you'all who that person is, how I know you'd go gang up with that person & attack me?
Or maybe you'd stalk that person & BHBly thinks that she's referring to you? Just joking. Hah.
Aiya, I will not name that person here la. She already know I was refering to her lor.
So no need you help me tell her ok? Thanks.
Btw, this post is not to tackle back whatever nasty things she said about me in her blog. Nor am I trying to clear my name. (In whatever shit you think I land myself in.)
People would love you for who you are, not what they heard about you.
So, if others chose to be stereotype, then let them be lor.
I don't care if people hate me, cause they're not even important to me at all.
& if what you said 'Walls have ears", I don't know which wall you're listening from.
You kept saying I'm childish but...nvms.
(Anw, still got people love me for being childish leh.)
I just want to make it clear that I got nothing to hide, at least from you?
So stop thinking I am referring to you, or talking about you can?
You think too highly of yourself.
I wouldn't have bothered if you didn't blog my name so big lor. Cause I will not assume.
Even if I do, I'd just confront the person & if the person say no, I'll not harp on it for like, almost a year right?
& if your kind friend didn't tell me about it, I wouldn't even remember what's your blog URL la.
I am not like you, just loveeeee to ASSUME.
I hope you're not refering to another Esther Goh?
It really confused me deeply lor.
Why you can post so many entries about me & I think this is my first entry to you?
I understand its not my business to interfere with what you want to do la but, thanks.
&, the stats you increased in my blog make me earn more money from Nuffnang :D
I should be thankful for all the comments people made about me.
I can learn from there.
This shall be my first, & last entry regarding you.
From the last full-stop of this entry onwards, I'll not speak a word of you.
(Like as if I ever did in the first place.)
But if I ever tweet angust tweets about anyone, I'm not referring to you. Ok?
Stop being a paranoid.
At the end of it all, you're just making yourself angry over NOTHING.
I know by saying all these stuff, you'all would just say I am denying all over again. It was all your own ASSUMPTION from the start. I wasn't even referring to you but why do you keep claiming that I was. Are you me?
& even if you said I was referring to you, where's your evidence?
Do you even find the link between my tweets & you? Totally no link.
Wouldn't you be wondering what did you do to make me hate you so much?
Unless you're also guilty conscious about something?
A piece of advice, don't make your own assumption & create trouble for yourself.
If it wasn't you who was being paranoid from the start, all these wouldn't have happened, right?
So, who's the one saying untrue things about each other? No one but you.
If you & your friends chose to play your own game, then go ahead & enjoy yourselves.
If you still wna continue thinking that I WAS referring to you, suit yourself.
I've already made it so clear.
It was all your own assumption.
& I wasn't hoping people (especially those who hated me) to read this & change their mindset about me cause,
I don't need them to judge me by your words.
I can don't bother about what others think as long as my conscience is clear.
People will be more prone to continue hating me cause what they heard was just one-sided, obviously bias.
& I don't blame them.
& look who's been saying I'm comparing with them?
YOU are the one ok, so don't point fingers.
I know I am not comparable to you. Did I say I was?
But I accept it. Its not like dooms day for me.
I may not be as perfect as you but one thing for sure, I am happier than you.
You may think the stuff I did (tweet-shitting others) was bad,
but I was happy doing it. You got a problem with that?
& since you think I am a bitch who loves bitching about others, ask yourself. Are you any better?
Since this tweet-shitting thing has caused so much problems, I shall not tweet-shit anymore, from Chinese New Year onwards. Deal?
I don't care if you'll continue blog-shitting me in your blog or not cause I'll never be there to read it anyway.
In fact, I've stopped visiting your blog for God-knows-how-long cause nothing interest me.
I bet anyone hardly goes there since your life is just a boring piece of shit.
But what for harp on it for so long?
This 1 year is tough on you. Thinking I hated you when I was on neutral stand.
I was a little unwilling to post this as my last entry before Chinese New Year.

Your should have higher self-esteem & not be so sensitive over what others say,
especially when there isn't any evidence, jumping into your own conclusion.
I know. You're doing all these to MAKE me hate you.
So that I'll be your entertainment in your can't-get-any-less-boring life.
Conversely, I don't really hate you still, though you're the first person whom I ever got problems with.
I don't hate you, but I sympathize you.
You're the kind of person who makes people go "Awww, look at her!"
One more thing, please stop comparing with me? Cause I got nothing comparable with.
We're from 2 different world. So, please, just stop. Thanks.
I was a little unwilling to post this as my last entry before Chinese New Year.
But on second thoughts, we should abandon the unhappy past & move on jubilantly. Let bygones be bygones.
& they'all also post an entry about me before Chinese New Year.
Fair & square (:
P/S: The person I actually hated (wasn't you), name starts with 'S'.
Feel free to stalk if you want. Maybe we'll be on the same stand (;
Dedicated to:

Am I pissing you off?
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