Belated Valentine's Day (?)
As all of us know, V. Day stubbornly lies on CNY day1.
& even though me & Baby did meet on that day, it wasn't in any relation to V. Day :/
Anyway, we made a deal to make it up today.
(Actually only I agreed, he've no choice but to abide to it (:)
First we had lunch at Ajisen Ramen. We haven't been lunching there for quite some time.
When I was about to take this photo I've to keep saying
"B., smile! SMILEEE!!"
*snap snap*
& when he gave this look, I said "Ok, you look retarded."
HAHAHAHAHA. I think I am a mean girlf.
My Tomyam Ramen.
Shuxian, you're gna love this! I choked at my first 2 sips cause it was spicy.
Baby's Teriyaki Chicken Don.
Not that bad but not worth it. $11.90 with only rice & 7 pieces of chicken (!?)
Our sides - Chicken Wings Set
Right after, we rushed over to Marina Square to catch a movie.

Alice In Wonderland
Yes, it's a pathetic show.
I can't believe I even watched it in 3D! ^$26^
For those of you who thinks it's nice, it's probably because you watched it with your boyf/girlf.
& all the while you guys have been PDAing,
you only caught the best part of the show which you thought was the worst part of the movie.
Thus, you concluded it's not bad.
(FYI, I hate PDA so I don't PDA. Tyvm (:)
Home, sweet home after the sucky movie.
This might not be my ideal V. Day date, but heck it.
I ws just joking when I said it was a belated V. Day celebration.
& don't judge a book by its cover. You see Baby as one of the quiet one, but he's effing hilarious.
He brighten up my day! Love you B. (;
Funny #1:
Me: B., we celebrating V. Day today right? Where's my flowers?
Baby: Now the flower not growing already. Must wait until next year.
Me: HAHAHAHAHA. (Yes it's lame but I laughed like mad.)
Funny #2:
We saw a very skinny, seriously skinny, girl walk pass &...
Me: Wah, that girl damn skinny!!!
Baby: I think my mother need these kind of people at home.
Me: Huh? (Still trying to figure out what he mean.)
Baby: She need them to hang clothes.
There's still many more but I forgot already T_T
Ok, I am going t divert my attention back to Rush Hour III.
& I am feeling feverish right now );
Baby I am down down down down down...
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