North Stradbroke Island
Point Lookout
We woke up early in the morning at 510am to prepare breakfast and stuff as we have to set off by 610am!
We took a bus to Roma Street and changed to a train to Cleveland. Train journey around 1hour.
Once at Cleveland, we have to walk another 1km to the ferry terminal to take a ferry.
Along the way, we met a few other foreigners who tagged along with us to the ferry terminal.
We took a bus to Roma Street and changed to a train to Cleveland. Train journey around 1hour.
Once at Cleveland, we have to walk another 1km to the ferry terminal to take a ferry.
Along the way, we met a few other foreigners who tagged along with us to the ferry terminal.

There were a few ferry agencies and after comparing prices, Big Red Cat is the cheapest. AU$11 for return.

While at the jetty waiting for our ferry. We're boarding the 9am ferry and it only came at around 920am.

Finally here!

The vehicles coming back from the island are being unloaded from the ferry first.

I'm the first to board the ferry! Happygirl1992! :D

We went straight to the upper deck to sit down. Can see more scenery and absorb more sunshine.

The vehicles loading onto the ferry. I find it very amazing please!
At first we're wondering how the cars reach the island. 原来是这样!

Taking touristy shots on the upper deck before the ferry sets off.

A lot of families like this own their own boat and they will just travel to North Stradbroke on their own. Coolshit!


We're reaching the jetty at North Stradbroke Island - Dunwich.

Look at the number of cars the ferry can ferry (lolol).

Finally at Dunwich, the place to board the ferry on Straddie.
The length of Straddie is as long as the length of Singapore from East to West.
There are many parts on Straddie but the most popular and the most beautiful spot is Point Lookout,
where it overlooks the ocean and where the most beautiful beach is. Just stay tuned! :)

There are buses to bring us to the various parts of Straddie and the fare is AU$9 for return.
I was damn pissed because I kena shouted by the bus driver for nothing.
Ok, I was asking him lots of questions because I was a tourist what! I want to confirm stuff.
And he seems so impatient and he shouted at me. Walan eh.
After that we realized he's a little looney because he shouted at a bunch of people to get out of the way. Lolol.

Our ticket from Dunwich to Point Lookout and return.
It was about 20mins bus ride from Dunwich to Point Lookout. The bus stops at various stops along the way too.
While reaching Point Lookout, the bus drove past the cliff and everyone was like "WOW! WOW! WOW!".
Including me. I was seated at the back corner and I can't help squeezing my head towards the window. Haha.

Isn't it beautiful?? I can't stop gasping and wow-ing! Look! Look at the waves!
I shall let the photos do the talking. A picture paints a thousand words.

The photos just wouldn't do justice.
Even though the photos are nice enough, what you're missing are the sea breeze, the sound of the waves...

Rina took an artsy shot for me. Wah, Facebook profile picture liao.... Lolol.

So we spent the next 15-20mins sitting on the cliff and just absorbing the sun-rays, enjoy the sea breeze...

While waiting for Shalom to come out from the toilet. Hehehehe. Cos the rock looks 'nice'.

The weather was quite hot and they're selling ice-cream so we pampered ourselves.

My double-scoop Christmas Pudding and Nougat cone. AU$5.50.

Strolling and enjoying yummilicious ice-cream under the scotching sun. SHIOK!

We're heading towards the Whale Watching Platform.

Next stop, Centaur Plaque.

Haha. I am sitting there enjoying my Chinese Noodles and the scenery. LIFE!

Rina used her iPhone to take these effects.

I'm trying to give the 喜怒哀乐 face.

Btw, the beach we're over-looking is called the Deadmans Beach. Spooky~

Finally at the most beautiful beach of Straddie - Cylinder Beach.

The shore is so wide and long! Even wider than Surfer's Paradise!

Look at the waves! So nice!

Aww.. Look at this pair lovey dovey on the rocks. So sweet max!

Once again, with my Chinese Noodles. Hehehehe.

So we spent the next 30mins sitting on the rocks, looking at the boys surf-boarding,
absorbing the sun-rays, enjoying the sea breeze, listening to the sound of the waves.
This is also the time where we got our tan. I swear the sun in Australia is 10x worst than Singapore.

After we had enough of enjoyment, we decided to proceed on with the rest of our 'tour'.
As this is the holiday season and the island provides free shuttle service from certain point to certain point,
we hop onto the 'bus' (is van actually) and ask the driver to bring us back to the Point Lookout Surf Club.
At first we though the Surf Club is where we alighted this morning, but it wasn't. It was deeper in.
And it brought us to another beautiful beach.

This is the Main Beach.

We're only there for less than 5mins, took some photos and we caught this.
These scary dark clouds are approaching towards our direction and they're coming fast.
We checked the weather forecast yesterday and it did said that there'll be possible thunderstorm.
So we kind of expected this, but we didn't know it'll hit us so quickly!
We're still discussing on whether to take the bus to Amity (another point of the island),
or look for the Broad Walk that the driver recommended us to go.
But before we could decide, it started pouring really heavily. Thankfully we're near the bus stop.

Yep, so we're squeezing together with the rest of the visitors under this small bus stop for 30mins.
A bus came and most of them boarded the bus, but we stayed behind because we still have half of the day.
So we waited a little longer and when the rain subsided, we walked around the area and went to the toilet.
When we walked out of the toilet and went to the back, we caught this beautiful view!

Rainbow after the rain.

Who'd expect to see such a beautiful sight behind a toilet!?
This is the most beautiful rainbow I've seen! Its above the ocean! So beautiful!

Enough of the rainbows. We proceeded on to 'hunt' for the place that the driver recommended.
Because the rain made us miss the last bus to Amity T_T Anyway I heard there's nothing much there.

Finally, we found the tracks for the Broad Walk. The entire thing is called the Headland Park.

The main beach after the storm. Looks so different from the photo taken before the rain.

The 'mini-beach' at the corner is called South Gorge.

There is a lot of nicer and prettier scenery along the way. We can't stop snapping.
Also, the wind is getting stronger and stronger and once in a while, it'll drizzle a bit.

Whale Rock Blow Hole
Now I know why this is called a Blow Hole.
There's some rocks at the bottom and when the waves come and get into the gaps between the rocks,
it generates a sound that sounds like whales blowing air out from their blow holes. Really.
And the sound is REALLY loud. When I was standing there, the sound came and I got a shock. Almost fell.

There, these are the rocks that makes the whale blow hole sound.

Posing for an artsy shot. #fail.

We continued walking and came to a point where it splits. The rocks are not connected, but there's a bridge to cross.

You've to cross a bridge to get to the other side.

We did cross the bridge to get to the other side and then we realized we're only left with 20mins to get back to the bus stop to take the bus back to the ferry terminal to catch the last ferry back to Brisbane.
We haven't even complete the trail yet but we're almost done. Like another 300m but we dare not risk it.
We don't want to miss the last ferry and be stranded on this island overnight even though its beautiful!
So we faster brisked walk to complete as much as we can and U-turn back.
We literally ran, brisk-walk, sprint, all the way back to the bus stop. We're early for the bus.
However, the bus was slightly late. And we started to panic again. So worried that the ferry left.
In the end, the bus came 10-15mins later but we managed to reach the ferry terminal on time.
Instead, the ferry was delayed as well due to the rain. So we waited for another 15mins.

On the bus. So happy that it came. Praying that it'll chop-chop bring us back to ferry terminal before 6pm.

Finally, the ferry came! Thank God!
This time round, we decided to stay in the lower deck where it is enclosed and air-conditioned.
Since it was drizzling and its already dark, nothing much to see anyway.
Instead, we find the lower deck very interesting and amazing.
It was carpeted and the seats where all so nice and classy. You get to seat by the windows and watch the scenery.

There's even a bar where you can buy snacks and coffee etc.

I was amused by something Shalom said.

Good-bye, Straddie. I'll be back when I've earned enough moolah :)
P/S; Photo credits to Rina and Shalom!
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