Happy New Year! :D
Its the eve of the new year & I'm all excited for the new year countdown.
Baby drove over & picked me up together with Raymond at 5pm.
We're going over to Gladys's as the guys wanted to play PS3.
We left Gladys's at 7pm for our steamboat at Bugis. The place was packed with people.
Thankfully Dan&Mel made reservations, else I think we'll starve to death.
Baby drove over & picked me up together with Raymond at 5pm.
We're going over to Gladys's as the guys wanted to play PS3.
We left Gladys's at 7pm for our steamboat at Bugis. The place was packed with people.
Thankfully Dan&Mel made reservations, else I think we'll starve to death.

After the very filling & enjoyable dinner, we walked to Marina to countdown.
We weren't satisfied with the place & it was also very crowded.
So we walked over to somewhere near The Padang.
Everywhere seemed to be blocked & everywhere was filled with people.
The guys are always on guard to protect us girls from the bangalas. Thank you!

We're 30mins away from 2010, took the chance to take some last pics of 2009.
I wanted to take a last photo of 2009 with Baby, but look at all those irritating hands! ):<

5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

The fireworks was awesome!
We had a very good view of the fireworks & the ambience was good.
Everybody wowed & clapped at every firework.
The fireworks lasted for 8mins, 8mins to make all your wish for 2010.
I do not have any resolutions for this year cause its the same for every year.
& every year, I don't even know if I changed for the better.
2009 seemed to past real fast, with the blink of an eye.
The major things (good & bad) that happened to me in 2009:
That said, let's bid farewell to 2009 & anticipate 2010 to be a better year! (:
After the coundown, the rest went to Gladys's place while Glor & I shared a cab back home.
The fireworks lasted for 8mins, 8mins to make all your wish for 2010.
I do not have any resolutions for this year cause its the same for every year.
- Study harder
- Spend less & save more
- Spend more time with family.
- Go out less
- Be more independent
- Be a better person
& every year, I don't even know if I changed for the better.
2009 seemed to past real fast, with the blink of an eye.
The major things (good & bad) that happened to me in 2009:
- Collected O Levels result
- Splendid 17th birthday surprise by Babies&Co ♥
- Worked at Great Eastern for 3months & met lots of nice people
- Earned my first four digit pay
- Enrolled into Temasek Poly - A9L3 (:
- Reconciled with Baby after a long break-up ♥
- Had our first dog - Da Huang
- 4th Year Anniversary ♥
- Had Boyboy & Girlgirl
- Had my braces removed! :D
- Batam trip with Great Easter colleagues
- Lost a good friend - Kimwee
- My first blood donation!!!
- Navel piercing
- Had the first Babies gathering at my house
- Went Hong Kong & Macau
That said, let's bid farewell to 2009 & anticipate 2010 to be a better year! (:
After the coundown, the rest went to Gladys's place while Glor & I shared a cab back home.
Its such a coincidence! We wore the same charm, the one that Glor gave me as Xmas gift.
& we had the same hairstyle! (: Just that her's was much neater & her plaits were thicker.
Photos: Credits to Dan for his DSLR (:
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