Happy 21st Birthday
Ashley Chew Young! :D

I feel so damn old for you can!
You're the first friend I celebrated their 21st birthday. Honoured?
Fret not, age is nothing but a number, right?
Well, all the best for your future endeavous & best of luck for your A Levels!
May you have an everlasting love with Layhoe & please kick the PDA habit ok?
Before the party, we all head over to Layhoe's house to prepare.
Dinner that night's gna be grand, so we can't dress sloppily.
Dress code: Casual smart.
Every single one of us had a hard time deciding our outfit.
The guys are the easiest. Buttoned shirt with jeans will do.

I feel so damn old for you can!
You're the first friend I celebrated their 21st birthday. Honoured?
Fret not, age is nothing but a number, right?
Well, all the best for your future endeavous & best of luck for your A Levels!
May you have an everlasting love with Layhoe & please kick the PDA habit ok?
Before the party, we all head over to Layhoe's house to prepare.
Dinner that night's gna be grand, so we can't dress sloppily.
Dress code: Casual smart.
Every single one of us had a hard time deciding our outfit.
The guys are the easiest. Buttoned shirt with jeans will do.

This is Ash's present from Babies - Fossil Watch.

When Ash is ready, he came over to pick us up.
Some of us took his car while the others sat his mom's car.
Sentosa, here we come~
Finally arrived at the venue where the party is gna be held - Sentosa Gold Club


The place was grand! Its like some wedding dinner.
It was much much much x1000000 better than our Graduation High Tea.

We're one of the earlier group that has arrived. So we went out to catch some fresh air.
The view was awesome! Strong wind too. The left side was the golf course while the right was the sea.

When more people arrived, we went into the room & settled down at a table.

Its time to get started with the food.
Ok, if you're hungry, please do not scroll down cause you'all salivate!
Looking at all these photos now makes me hungry all over again.
The food was heavenly! Just look at all the food!!!

The 3 mighty chefs who stood outside cooking for us.
Specially like the Indian one. He's hilarious.
Specially like the Indian one. He's hilarious.

After gathering all the food, it's time to get back to the table & dine!

Bryan's all ready to dig in!

I'm like forcing Baby to drink.
&, notice his face, don't know why he look so chubby.

Gin & Tonic - favourite drink for us.
Recommanded by Hil.

Halfway through our feast, the cake was out & we all sang birthday song.
Then Layhoe was called out to the front. LOL.

The dinner resumes after singsong-cut cake.
Some girlfriends shot. I realised I didn't take any photo with Jo );

Halfway through again, one of Ash's friend sabo him & Layhoe to go up to stage & dance for all of us.
I will never forget Layhoe's expression when they announced it man!
She's so paiseh but can't turn them down right?
The worst thing is, both of them don't know how to dance!
So in the end, both of them just held onto each other & sway in circles.

Group photo!
Coincidentally, all of us wore black.

Followed by shots with the birthday boy uncle. Hehx.

& then the girls decided to take individual shots with all the guys.
All of us are expected to stand as close to the guy for that photo. First was Baby.

All of us are expected to stand as close to the guy for that photo. First was Baby.

Followed by Bryan.

Then Guanrui.

Next was all the girls take a photo with the birthday

& then we girls thought of very stupid ideas again.
This time, all the girls have to pretend to be very close to the guy.
& the girlfriend have to stand one side looking very angry. LMAO.

I had a wonderful & enjoyable night. Thanks Ash for such a marvelous dinner.

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