January Babies' birthdays are more or less round the corner.
& since 3 of our birthday was so close, Babies decided to celebrate our birthday together.
It was our first picnic so far, & my virgin trip to Marina Barrage.
The picnic was pot-luck, thus, everyone brought some food except for the birthday people, duh.

Let's start noming!
While we're eating, the sky starts to darken & the wind was bloody strong!
All of us (especially the girls) are very annoyed with the wind messing our hair.
Other than that, our paper plates, cups etc, kept being swept away. Pissed!

After eating, we went off to have fun! & sat around to enjoy the breeze (:
Let the pictures do the talking. & I don't know why am I so idiotic as to wear a dress T_T

See, so troublesome because of the wind.
Gotta keep arranging our hair for photos as the wind kept blowing.

Limei, the photographer, asked us to look at each other & take photo.
So I looked at Baby, gleefully. But Baby don't seem to want to look at me.

I pretended to be Santa Claus pulling the reindeer. & trying very hard to make Baby cooperate with me.
But he got pissed off by my nonsense.

Oh & did I mention? We saw Ponsak, Joanne Peh, Dai Yangtian & Mark Lee at Marina Barrage.
They're filming I think.
& at a point of time their crew have to come over & ask us to keep our volume down cause we're sitting quite close to them & obviously, we laugh like hyenas.
At around 10pm, we decided to pack up & leave.
Once we reach downstairs, the rest of the gang surprised us with a cake.
Ok honestly, I kinda guessed it already. Hah!

Happy Birthday! :D

Next was present-time!

& come the moment where everyone was waiting for.
They're looking forward to seeing my expression upon receiving Baby's present.
I was quite flabbergasted though I already know he's giving me something.
But I didn't know he's giving it to me at that time, that place.

Thank you for the present, Baby!

& then everyone urge me to open up the present from him.
Girlfriends said I'll cry when I see it. & said it's something that every girl wants, etc.
So I went ahead to open it.

I saw '8gb'.



Ok, I know from my expression, I don't look as happy as expected but you'know, deep-down I was elated.
I was thinking of getting an iTouch months ago but dropped the idea
cause I think I shouldn't be so spoilt & should just live with my iPod Shuffle.
Therefore I didn't hint Baby for an iTouch. Nonetheless, I got it!

Up next was opening our present from Babies.

Guanrui had a jacket.

& being a female, I was all dramatic when opening presents.
Explains the numeral photos taken before revealing my present.

Its a denim jacket! &&&, a gold necklace which I didn't take photo of.

Baby had a T-shirt from Praise.

We're all happy people after receiving our presents.
Thank you everyone. Love you'all!

January Babies!

Eating cake before we leave the place.

Cabbed home as all of us have to go to school the next day.
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