Attention: If you're one of the heartless animal-hater, or have issues with MY hamsters,
please leave my blog or skip this entry. Tyvm (:
Hai! :D I am so happy the baby hamsters are finally a month old.
Ok, I am happy that they're growing, but reluctantly.
How I wish they can remain so small & tiny & never grow bigger.
So I shall start off with the history of the first pair of hamsters I got.
I was feeling very bored & seeing couples share pets, its just so sweet.
Like how some couples own a dog or cat or rabbit.
Obviously I can't own a dog due to the Dahuang incident & I dislike cats,
rabbits are harder to take care, so I chose hamster.
Don't ask me why I never consider fish, they're plain boring.
& pet turtles, kept them before when I was sec1 =="
Anyway, here are some photos of Boyboy & Girlgirl when I first bought them.
According to the pet shop owner, they're only 2 weeks old. So kawaii (!!!)
When we first bought it home to Baby's house,
both of us are afraid of carrying them cause I had bad experience with my sister's hamsters when I was young.
But they're so adorable, I just got to build up my courage & hold them.
& they didn't bite me, at all, even up till now.
& then slowly they're growing bigger.
& this is Boyboy. He's really huge & is a fatty now.
Gosh, I wonder what he eat man. I hardly feed them punctually.
& then....
they mated & gave birth to 3 lovely babies on Chinese New Year (:
Initially I was worried the babies would be abnormal.
As you know, Boyboy & Girlgirl are siblings.
For humans, if siblings mate & give birth, their offsprings would be abnormal.
But Jo assured me they won't, cause they're hamsters, not humans =="
They look kinda disgusting being bald at first,
but when their fur starts growing, they're simply adorable.
From the pictures, you'll see when their fur starts to grow, & their eyes slowing opening.
2 of them had brown fur like their mom & 1 was grey like the father.
Shall let the picture do the talking.

Yes, this is how small they are!
Look at the difference between the baby & the father. Wow!
& finally, they're big enough to look for their own food.
As seen from the title, I named them Doe, Ray & Mie.
I told Jason about it & he said "Cannot. Fah Soh Lah Ti Toh will come along next."
& I am pretty positive there'd be 2 females & 1 male.
It feels awesome seeing them grow.
Jo's Summer died the next day the babies were born.
My condolences my dear.
& she decided to sell me her hamster cage at a lower price.
Judging the number of hamsters I have now, I definitely need 2 cages.
When I know the sex of the babies, I'll separate them according.
I don't wna risk breeding them again. Scary!
Happy family! :D
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