PageOne Vivo Stock-take 2010
Hello people. I just reached home from Lm's. Fucken tired T_T
Yesterday morning I went to school for some briefing for Week 0 again.
It was just a short briefing & it was still early, so we proceeded in starting out LT decor & maze.
Even though I have to leave as early as 12pm, I stayed back to help out with doing the paper rings & Pirates' Duty Roster.
I'm so sorry guys. I feel so bad for not being able to stay back almost all the time to help out.
Its like I'm always arriving late or leaving early or not being able to make it.
But I promise I will commit my time if I am free ok?
Aftermath, I went back home to grab a short nap before meeting the rest at Vivo.
At 5pm, work started. It was an overnight job so we had a light dinner at Toast Box.
I was the Checker during phase 1. Job was easy, just count the number of books on the shelf.
I feel like a teacher, correcting all the mistakes the Scanners made. Hahaha.
But during phase 2, I was being switched to becoming the Scanner.
Where I have to scan all the items. This time, it wasn't books, but STATIONERIES!!
Omg! Can you imagine all the erasers, rulers, notebooks, bookmarks etc that I've to scan!?
The worst thing is pencil omg! I've to keep twisting & turning to scan it. Gah!
But thankfully my checker was Louis, Gr's friend. He's also another lazy bum who heck care.
I anyhow scan, & he anyhow count. Then we tally the quantity so that we don't have to red0.
Work ended at 530pm(?)
During 2am-4am is the toughest. My eyelid weigh a ton & everywhere was a blur to me.
We had a short break cause we finished our tasks. So we sat around in a corner & chillax.
I took a few books & used them as pillow & fell asleep. Then this uncle came & kp me.
He said "Please do not use the books as your pillow. Look how much they cost."
==" Wtf! I pay them la! So anal retentive for what? They're just books right?
Not as if it'll cost any damage if I lay my head on them. *rolleyes.
Waited for the first train & all of us except for Jean went over to Lm's.
Ordered Mac delivery. Breakfast Deluxe ftw! (;
After my breakfast, I went to sleep with Lm while the rest had a round of mahjong.
After 1 round, the guys also had a short wink before we wake up for lunch.
Lm cooked maggie mee for us. Naise (;
& then we had another round of mahjong before home.
Wish me luck for my test tomorrow!!!
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