Sunday, May 16, 2010



I was looking through my files & I realized Google Chrome did save my past chat logs for me.
As I was tracing back, I found the conversation of me &
Yes, I finally found out what the 3 numbers at the back are. Thanks to the records.
Below are the exact same post, I just added in the screen shots from the chat logs.
(Click on the image to view larger.)
Gerger, you better watch out!!

Last night as I was doing my usual cyber stuff like blogging, Twitter & Facebooking,
this 'girl', with the email, came & talked to me.
It was the second time already. The first time we chatted was about a week ago.

Then she claims that she's my friend & I probably can't remember her anymore.
After that I think I was too busy to entertain her so I went offline.

Second time she talked to me was today.
Oh my effing God, I swear I'm gna have nightmares.

I know of friends by the name of Lyn. But we're just hi-bye friends.
So I wasn't sure if it was her. & the display picture of Gerger was 2 girls infront of a mirror.
Those typical ah-lian photo la. So I was pretty convinced it was a female party.
The next minute, 'she' started webcam already. & mine was waiting to be accepted.
So I thought "Aiya, just see who is she la. Don't let her see my face."
So I flipped my screen 45 degree up. Cause my cam was at the top of my screen.
& I click 'accept'. Horror was next!

Apparently it was a guy &
Ok la, not really directly in front of me. To be exact, in front of his webcam.
What the hell lor. So sick.

& guess what, thankfully my screen was flipped!
That's why I didn't really had a clear view of it *phew
I can roughly see that he's doing dirty, but cause my screen's flipped, its full of reflections.
(Something like what privacy films does. Blocks out when seen from other angles.)

Omgwtfbbq! Why is there still such person on Mother Earth!??
I obviously got a shock but tried to be tough even though I didn't really see it clearly.
Especially when in the middle of the night at 2am, I have to encounter this.
I swear it had me nauseous for a few good hours.

Please be aware of internet pervs like
You'll never know when you'll be the next victim.

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