Happy 20th Birthday,

I know the photo is retarded but, I am tryna make things more consistent.
Anyway, today's TP's birthday. It is also CCN Day.
Which I totally dread cause it made me go school when its actually my off day ):<
I don't even feel like going to school but heard it's part of our APEL2. So for academic sake, I went.
Here's the programme lined up for the day.

Obviously I am not enthusiastic enough to be going around school patronizing every stall
or taking part in every game that they have. Its just so-not-fun la.
Instead, I was only in school at 1pm. Before that I went to meet Baby for breakfast.
Then we come to school for our shifts to tend the stall. After which, I went to meet Jo & Lm.
Along the way, we also met lots of familiar faces. & this is Huiwen.
He's so cute walking around like a tranny. & looking for business. You have the guts, boy!

Aftermath Jo, Lm & I just walked through the Bus concourse & went straight to BizPark.
You cannot imagine the crowd. Its like, pasar-malam. Omg, can suffocate in there.

We just sit there & lepak for the rest of the afternoon before the netball trial.
Baby & Joel's so nice to come keep us company throughout.
To past time, Lm made her Mothers' Day card with the help of Jo.
Then My & their friend Nat came to meet us.

Around 6pm, we move to the stadium to gather for the netball trial..
Ok, actually among them, I am the only one going for the trail. The rest of them were already in.
I know half of TP's netball cause half of them are NV netballers. LOL.
So we just sat there & camwhore while waiting.

When the sun sets, it's trials time.
Initially I wasn't that nervous but as more people came for the trials, I am getting anxious.
I haven't been playing since O Levels. & when the trials officially begun, I almost lost hope.
All of them are so damn freaking tall, & they're good, honestly.
The first thing we did which was passes, the first ball bang straight into my chest. Painful!
After that we split into groups & played a few games.
I am quite lonely there actually cause I did not mix around with the rest of them.
Mostly I have been talking to people already in the team cause, I know them. Duh-uh.
When the selected names are announced, I wasn't there, but at the water-cooler.
Until I saw Lm came skipping towards me & shouted
"Esther, you got into the team!!!"
I don't know how I felt at that moment. Maybe happy but I just don't wna express it out?
I don't know. & I don't want others to think that I got in through the 'back-door'.
If you know what I meant. Cause I am friends with almost half of the team already.
No matter what, everyone played well. & congrats to those who got in too (:
& thank you Baby for being there throughout my trails & giving me the support.
I don't know what made me went for the trails but, I guess having a CCA is pretty important.
Oh btw, I got into Community Service Club sub. comm. too. LOL!
After the trails, I went for supper at opposite school with the rest of the team.
Ok I am fucken tired now. Muscles aching like mad. Imma hit the sack right away.
Hi Netball, I'm back again!
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