Happy 45th Birthday

I've always been a big fan of this little red dot called Singapore.
Even though we have limited space, but everyone just have to agree that Singapore's a really great place.
In correlation with other countries, who dares to argue that Singapore is unsafe?
Who dares to reject the delicacies of Singapore!??
I'd say I am a regular traveler myself, & despite the fact that I love traveling to other countries,
I'd never forget about Singapore & her goodness. They're simply unforgettable.
As much as I wish to study abroad, I'd definitely miss Singapore.

Before I end this entry, here's the theme song for Singapore's 45th birthday.
I think its relatively nice especially when the singer is Corrine May. However, I still prefer Kit Chan.
She's the most powerful voice & she sings with this compassion that makes you wna cry.
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