Good-bye Singapore; Hello Genting...
2 months ago on a fateful night while having dinner with the guys, we decided to plan an overseas trip together.
Actually we've talked about it many times but no action was taken.
Actually we've talked about it many times but no action was taken.
Finally, something was done. & we're finally going on a short getaway together
It was tough trying to accommodate with everyone's schedule, but we did it in the end.
& I am glad the timing was perfect as it was after our exams! (: (Except for poor Nigel.)
Since it was during the super-peak period which is the school hols & it was Hari Raya,
the cost for accommodation & transport totaled up to ~$230.
Yes it might be a wee bit costly as compared to normal days but the main idea is having fun!
I am glad that all of us had fun during this trip & of course, there'd be more trips to come (:
Day 1
Thursday (09th Sept)
Even though it was a 3D2N stay, we figured it'll be wiser to leave on Thurs night.
By the time we reached Genting in the morning, we could start with our activities & not waste 1 day.
In the afternoon, I packed my luggage & headed over to Baby's house & packed our luggage together.
We decided to share a luggage so we don't have to lug so many things. & I am glad we did that.
All of us met at Golden Mile Complex at 950pm to report at Five Star Tours.
After the paper work was done, we've to wait till 11pm for the bus to pick us up.

At first I was kinda disappointed by the exterior of the bus. I expected those like cleaner ones.
But my impression changed once we settled down.
Our seats were very spacious, & there's no weird smell (thank God!).
Except once where the passenger behind me took off his/her shoes. S(He) confirm got HK feet lor.
Day 2
Friday (10th Sept)
I don't know how long does it take for us to reach this eatery, called Yong Peng if I am not wrong.
It's the usual stop-over everyone will come every time they come into M'sia.
We only had 20mins so we quickly grabbed a bite, visited the loo & bought gums before continuing our journey.

Finally, we've arrived at Genting Highland!!
Once again, I do not know how long does it take for us to arrive here. I was sleeping.. Hehe.
But the total traveling time from Singapore to our hotel is approximately 6hours.

It was damn bloody freezing cold the moment we stepped out of our bus. I am literally freezing can!
I thought the weather's gna be like air-conditioned temperature, but I was wrong!
Thankfully I brought quite a number of thick clothes. I'm so afraid of the cold.

Once we're at the hotel lobby, Dan&Mel went to the reception to settle some paperwork.
While the rest of us linger around & waited for them. In the mean time, photos!!

Look at the packet of potato chips Weien brought up from Singapore. Can burst man!!
It expanded throughout the journey & all other air-tight food too. Due to the pressure difference.

Ugh!! I don't know why Baby always closes his eyes in almost every photo that I think would be memorable!!
In future I will constantly remind him to open his eyes wide before the cameraman snaps.

We aren't able to check-in yet as its only 5am & our check-in time is at 2pm.
At the mean time, we can only deposit our luggages at the Bell Counter & walk around the hotel aimlessly.

After depositing our bags, we walked around the mall but no shops were open.
Then the guys wanted to sneak into the Casino as that's the only thing they could do.
We made plans to sneak in, but to no avail. Non of them are able to get pass the guards.
HAHAHAHAH! Serve them right, not 21 still want to go in.
By the way, I heard that once you stepped into a Casino, your luck will change instantly.
Like, they arranged some feng shui stuff to make your luck turn real bad.
It's not only when you're in the casino, but your entire life. Is it true not??

Since our plan to enter the Casino failed, we roamed around aimlessly again.
We settled at Macs for breakfast. Their breakfast is pathetic.
I tell you, their breakfast is like so much more expensive compared to Singapore la!
Caught some rest too until the arcade opens.
No photos were taken as our cameras were all kept in the locker as we thought we're entering the Casino.
We also met with a mishap while we're trying to retrieve back our stuff from the locker.
The entire locker system was jam & thankfully we're able to retrieve our stuff.
But we wanted to lock up some stuff before going on the cable-car, so we waited for the repairman.
While waiting, we're so tired we just sat at one corner & doze off.

Finally some photos taken inside the building. The last time I came to Genting was God-knows-when.
But if I recalled correctly, Genting hasn't changed much, imho.

We even went into Nike to see if there's anything to buy.
But sadly, no. The price wasn't any cheaper as compared to Singapore & nothing caught our eyes too.

SEE! Baby has his eyes close AGAIN!! ):<

At around 10am, we bought tickets to take the cable-car down.
Bought some local goods & snacks as well. Hehe.

The view from the cabin is really fascinating. I didn't imagine it to be so high up.
We can even see clouds from above. & the funny thing is, we keep farting in the cabin!
HAHAHAHA! Just don't know why when we arrived in Genting, we kept farting non-stop.

We arrived at the bottom & I am surprised the guys knows how to buy local goods.
Usually its the girls who do the shopping but I am not at all interested in buying them.
Instead, Baby has been going around choosing food that he likes. LOL.

After we alighted from the cable-car, it was almost time to check-in.
Thus, we settled ourselves at the hotel lobby & waited again.
We've to queue an hour earlier as we expect the crowd to be huge since it was a P.H.
Despite being early, we still have to wait for another hour before getting our room keys T_T

Woohoo! Finally gotten our room keys! Its time for us to grab some sleep!
Digressing, before this Genting trip, Babies have been telling me how haunted First World Hotel is.
Not only Babies, even Baby's classmate & my friends have been telling me!
They said there're dead bodies under the bed, or people hang themselves on the fan.
Omg I am so scared please. I am a pussy when it comes to the supernatural.
When we're outside our room, I hastily pushed the keys into Baby's hand & asked him to open.
I can see that he's scared too, but he knows he've to do it cause he's the guy.
So he knocked on the door thrice, opened the door & stepped one side. (His classmate say must.)
I entered the room after him & then I said "对不起, 打扰了." (Ahma say must.)
My Ahma damn cute lor, she say if I feel scared, just enter & chant "南無阿弥陀佛" HAHA.
Anyway, we took off our shoes & purposely placed them messily in the room. (His classmate say must.)
I went to lay the luggage & Baby went to check under the bed, then apologized after that.
HAHAHAHAHA! So cute right my Baby!!
Though I ordered him to check under the bed when we're in Singapore, but I didn't expect him to do it.
Anyway, both of us felt very comfortable in the room. So there's nothing la.
We even kept all the lights & TV on since we check-in all the way until we check-out. Haha!
I also brought along my bible to ward off evil spirits. LOL. Very kua-zhang right?
We washed up & took a short nap from 330pm to 630pm until the rest called us up for dinner.
The view from our hotel tower. Why so nice one!?? As if it's welcoming us (:

We didn't know what to have for dinner. Until we chance upon this buffet house in the hotel.
It is steamboat buffet & the price is really cheap. ~RM$35 each.
The guys won a total of S$600 during the World Cup. So we use the winnings as part of the expenditure.

Their juices are to die for!! The apple & watermelon juice is the sex, but orange juice... no business.

While the guys are still gobbling down the food, we girls went to check-out the tickets for Snow World.
We bought tickets for the 9pm-950pm slot at RM$19 each. Pretty cheap I'd say.

It's really cold inside. I don't even intend to wear the jacket they provide as it's mad smelly!
But Baby insist I wear them. Luckily I changed into my shoes before we go out. Else my feet will freeze.
The moment we enter, we started making snow balls & attacking each other.
Hahaha! Like fun only bodoh! Especially when the ice went into your jacket, G.G. for you.
I kena a few times where someone threw the snow ball & it landed on my face. Mad gross I tell you!
Whoever is the bodoh, I hope I've seeked my revenge.
(P/S; Some photos were blur cause we're shivering. Can't stable our hands.)

We also had a few rides down the slide using the float. It's really fun.

Mel insisted that we take photos with the flowers cause she say its very nice =="

It's so hard trying to the get the guys to take a proper photo.
They always fool around & have to take multiple times before a decent shot.

The guys are so bad. They took off Nigel's shoes & carried him.
Baby's not in this picture cause why? He went to fill ice into his shoes. Mean x10000!
But I am glad the guys had fun (:

Weien the monkey saw other people climbing the iceberg, & he wanted to climb too. Dots...
Let's see how he come down.

The also gave us a complimentary ice-cream. Hehe.

After exiting from Snow World, we wanted to bowl, but changed our mind to KBox instead.
Since it was still full house & we've to wait for another 30mins,
the guys went to play their arcade games while we girls went to take neoprints. Hehe.

When the time is up to sing KBox, we ditched the idea as Baby said their song is those oldies or foreign songs.
So we went back to our rooms instead. I was preparing to wash up & get to bed as I am really tired,
but someone called us over to Nigel&Weien's room for party!!
I tell you, the moment we enter, the guys can't stop farting la walao! !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*

See our dear girl knows how to enjoy life. Bought Starbucks & cake up for supper.

After this, we returned back to our rooms & I thought I can finally get some sleep.
But no! The guys decided to head out for some Macs. So I tagged along too.
When we finally got back to our room, washed up & ready to zonk out, its already 4am T___T
Day 3
Saturday (11th Sept)
I set my alarm at 8am, but Marcus called our room & woke us up at 745am. Omg, so early!!
Its already a chore to drag myself out of bed. Moreover, I have to drag Baby up. He's such a pig!
We quickly prepared ourselves & meet the rest at the corridor.
The breakfast place is just one level above us. When we reached, the place is filled with people!
It's quite hard for us to find seats to accommodate 10 people.
Oh btw, Marcus's sister & her boyf is here for holiday too (:
Look at the amount of food the guys took! Its as if they haven't eaten breakfast in their life.

Dan dozing off after having his fill. Guys are all pigs!

After our breakfast, we girls rushed back to our room to clear off our bowel. Haha!
While the guys went to the hotel lobby to purchase the Theme Park tickets.
The tickets cost about RM$45 each. It's pretty reasonable I'd say.

We're finally outdoor! Some sunshine pleaseee~~~
Look at how happy Glor is. Marcus looked like he's looking for his lost pet dog/cat.

The moment we entered the Theme Park, the guys quickly locate Go Kart on the map & rushed over.
They're dying to play Go Kart & that seemed like the only thing they wna play. Haha.

After 2 hours of waiting time, it's finally our turn to drift! Hehe.
However, we have to wear those fugly shower caps unless we wna stink our head from wearing their helmet.
Btw, Dan's cousin's friend was also there for their holiday. & we met in the Theme Park.
Thus, we went on the rides together. This is Charlene with us (:

After our race, Baby, Glor, Marcus & Weien went to queue for Space Shot aka Middle Finger.
While Charlene, Mel & I went to queue for CorkScrew. What a name right, I know.
The queue seems forever. In the mean time, took some memorable photos.
That is Lucas, Charlene's younger brother. He's so adorable, but mischievous at times.

Charlene & her family...

The sun was pretty hot actually. Despite being on high ground, I am actually perspiring.

Finally after 1.5hours of wait, Baby&Co finished their ride & came over to meet us in the queue.
Corkscrew is the only roller coaster we saw over at the theme park );

I asked Lucas over to take photo with us, pretending to be our child.
But that Nigel, so extra come over & pretended to be our baby =="

Ice-cream in this weather is damn shiok! The ice-cream's pretty cheap too. RM$5 for 2 scopes.

Aftermath, we headed over the Jurassic Park to have a look.
We queued for the boat ride too. Sadly, when it's reaching our turn, it rained.
So the ride was closed & we waited for a damn long time before the rain stopped & the ride opens again.
In the mean time, Lucas is damn naughty. He played with some 'pop-pop' thing,
where you throw on the floor & it explodes. He kept aiming my feet. Naught boy!

It's pretty cold while we're in the boat. Perhaps its due to the rain.
I am shivering despite wearing long sleeve shirt with a denim jacket over.
Poor Glor didn't bring her jacker out in the morning. She've been shivering all the while.

We sat the boat & it entered into a dinosaur cave where they introduced to us the type of dinosaurs. Boring~
Lucas is damn scared la. Before the ride he keeps asking if the ride is scary etc.
Haha. He've to keep asking to gain assurance.

The view from the top was splendid! Especially when then dark clouds have cleared (:

It was almost time for us to leave. The guys decided to have their last game of Archery.

Aftermath, we left the theme park & rushed back to the hotel to catch our bus to Mushroom Farm.
There is a bus to bring tourist down. The bus is called 9100 & its free.
When we arrived at that place, it was crowded with people.
But thankfully we reached earlier else it'll be hard for us to wait for seats.

The food was pretty ok. Average. But the fish is the bomb!
It even beat the Bak Gut Teh hands down!

I was really very tired. After having my fill I just shut my eyes.
That naughty Mel secretly snapped a photo of me. Bad girl!!

After our dinner, we went to buy some local goods in their shop before taking bus 9100 back to our hotel.
We went back to our rooms to put our things & head out again as the night is still young.
At the hotel lobby, we saw Fish Spa at a pretty cheap price as compared to Singapore.
It's RM$18 each for 15mins. So we decided to give it a try.

At first when I place my feet into the water, I was like "Ok what. No feeling leh."
But as the fish comes & nibble my foot, I quickly draw my feet back up!! It's really ticklish!
How come every time I walk past those Fish Spa places, the people in there like enjoying it ley...
Why does it seem so torturing to me? I was praying for the 15mins to end quickly.
You can see from our expressions. The tickle is really unbearable at times.

It is so ticklish we can't even smile naturally when taking photo. Just look at Baby's expression.

Dan didn't do the Fish Spa as he knew it'd be ticklish & he can't take it.

The guys damn power, they went over to the bigger fish's side.
They said it's far worst than the small fishes but they're able to tolerate it.
Anyway, their feet really needs some therapy la hor. Their soccer feet stinks!

HAHAHAH! So many fishes at Mel's feet. Means her feet dirtier than mine :p

After some time, I finally got use to the fishes nibbling in between my toes. But the 15mins was ending );
So we cleaned up & walked around the hotel once again.
The guys damn boliao. Go up the escalator also want to play.

There is nothing else to do but to play at the arcade. We've already spent RM$50 on the first day.
They saw other people playing this machine & it caught their attention. So they decided to try too.

Look at the amount of tickets they won! There're over a thousand tickets.

After which, we walked past a pub & decided to spent the rest of our night there.
Initially we wanted to enter the Disco/Club, but it was expensive so we popped that bubble.

We got ourselves settled down & opened a bottle of Chivas.

The guys played their own game while we girls played our own game too.
Awhile later, we all played Indian Poker together. It was damn funny I tell you.
Can see who's betraying you & who's the one helping you. Hahaha!

We finished 2 jugs of Coke & 1 jug of Green Tea before calling it a day.
As we're leaving, the live band was singing My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion; the famous Titanic song.
I don't know if Nigel is drunk or what, he went up in front of the stage & pose the infamous Titanic pose.
Mad hilarious I tell you. I was actually close to falling asleep but he freshened me up.

Sadly, the bottle of Chivas can't be brought back into our room. Thus the guys decided to finish it.
The went to the disco/club while we girls went back to our rooms to wash up & rest.
It was already 2am when we went back. After bathing, Glor & Mel came over to my room to wait for the guys.
Guess what, the guys even managed to sneaked into the Casino!
Not all of them, Dan is the only one who can't get pass the guards. Haha!
Epic or what!?? He's the oldest amongst all of them but he can't enter. So farnieee!
Mel received texts from Dan saying the guys won 2k. My face lit up upon hearing it.
But when the guys came back, it's actually 2k credit T___T They did win also la, RM$40 lor.
They returned back to their rooms & Baby washed up etc & we slept at 6am T___T
Day 4
Sunday (12th Sept)
We woke up at 1130am,by once again, Marcus Tan Fu Yuan!
I wonder what's with him man! He like no need to sleep one lor. Can wake up so early. Haha.
Anyway, thanks for the morning call every morning huh...
Since it was way past the time for the hotel's complimentary breakfast, we ate out instead.

After our breakfast, the guys went to the arcade to exchange the tickets we won the last 2 days.
While we girls go back to the hotel to do some final packing. Actually its only me la.
I need to do some 'hiding'. *Shhhhh. Hehe...

Did I tell you how sway we are!?? It is already 12pm & the guys totally forgot about us!!
They checked the other 3 rooms but they didn't check Dan&Mel's room which we're in!
So they called us at 12pm asking us where are we & said they're already at the lobby waiting for the bus.
Omg! We're in a state of panic. Quickly grabbed the luggage & go.
Here comes the sway part. The lift was out of order T_T
!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&* Why does it have to happen at this time!??
There is only the 3 of us, & the luggage is with me, so I have to lug it down from level 9 T_T
When I finally reached the lobby, my arms & legs turned jelly...
Our bus back was much nicer, cleaner & bigger. It even has a TV!
Oh, its a double-decker bus by the way. We're sitting on the second level (;
Along the way the bus stopped over for us to buy some local goods before continuing our journey.

In the evening, we stopped over at Yong Peng once again to have our dinner.
But we didn't as we wanted to settle dinner in Singapore. So we just grabbed some quick bites.
Every time I go into M'sia & stopped over at Yong Peng, I'll take a look at the fish. It's a monster!

Along the way, we experienced jams. By the time we reached Singapore, it was already 1030pm.
Oh & guess what, instead of hiring a cab, we took bus home. Totally epic. Hahaha!
We alighted at Ponggol Nasi Lemak & settled our dinner/supper there.
Home, sweet home. Xoxo.

How I wish time could rewind so that I can experience the fun all over again...
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