Happy 20th Birthday,
Heyyo sweetie! I can see that you had a blast last night. I really hope you had a great time.
Stay sweet & pretty. As well as everlasting love with Dan huh. Sweet sweet couple.
All the best in everything you do & may the "Studies God" bless you. Xoxo.

Last night, we went over to Dan's aunty's place to celebrate Mel's birthday.
At 7pm, Baby & the rest of the guys came over my place to pick me & the food before going over.
This is my present to Mel. I did not know what to buy, so I gathered 20 items & put them into a bag.
Its a little lame, but I think its really creative. Hahaha! Hope you like it Mel.
This is my present to Mel. I did not know what to buy, so I gathered 20 items & put them into a bag.
Its a little lame, but I think its really creative. Hahaha! Hope you like it Mel.

We had buffet for dinner.
Aftermath, Angela, Mel, Jm & I sat down for a round of mahjong. Hehe.
We played 10cents-20cents & I won a total of $9.20.
Not trying to brag but, it's been a long time since I won in mahjong. So I'm really elated (:
While we're playing mahjong the guys were in the living room playing Monopoly Deal & Poker.
I find it so weird. Usually its the girls playing card games & the guys playing mahjong.
Anyway, the host have a pool table in the middle of the living room too. Cool man!!
We waited for 12midnight to cut the cake. Lot's of photo-taking. Mel's the star of that day.
Mel & Shannon...
We have performance also ok! The kids Charlene, Lucas, Shane, Shannon, Venus & Zen danced.
They're really good. Like, really damn good. I salute them!
Oh yes, Nigel was being dragged in too. Totally epic.
Mel & Shannon...

Dan&Mel together with Dan's brother & his girlf...

Vasantham Stars together with Mel's girlfs...

Girls groupshot...

Guys groupshot...

Mel with Shane...

Performance time!!

Charlene & Shane.

During the 'performance', Glor gave Mel her present & guess what is it!??
HAHAHAHAH! What a cheeky present huh, Glor.
Then we went into the room to take photos. LOL.

After which some of them left & Vasantham Stars went into the room to chill.
Once again, the guys played Monopoly Deal. They find the game very fun.

After a group photo, Dan drove all of us home.
Can we all have an outing soon!??
(P/S; Photos taken from Mel's Facebook (: )
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