Timbre @ The Arts House
Heyyo!! How's everyone's first day of school? Hahahaha.
Well, mine was awesome cause I have NO lessons on the first day. HAHA! Pwned!
I've been home the entire day just nua-ing my day away. Woke up at 12pm btw. Haha.
But there is one thing for me to look forward to at night. Which is Timbre with the usuals again.
I seriously love night outs with my lovely people. It's just awesome la.
Even though we didn't do anything fun, just eating, drinking & singing is cool for us.
I swear this was very random. Cause last Friday as they were over at my place playing mahjong,
Lm suddenly said "Aye I feel like going Timbre again leh."
So we proceeded with the bookings else we have to suffer queuing up for hours again.
Who was to know Timbre was damn empty on weekdays!?? Really, damn empty. *creek creek...
We agreed on having a heavy lunch so we only go there for drinks, but end up ordering so much food too. LOL.
Photos do the talking...

We ordered our drinks first cause its cheaper during Happy Hours.
Btw, doggie sad that day la. Cause calamari, fries, wings, etc were temporary out of stock. Wtf.

Mine: Lychee Martini
- Doesn't taste nice at first, but subsequent sips was nice cause can taste the lychee. Heh.

Jo: Mango Sunrise
- She ordered the best damn drink amongst all of us la! It's damn nice. Taste like fruit punch (?)

Baby: Pirates of the Carribean
- Haha, worst drink ever. Taste like wasabi. Sucks big tyme!!

Gr: Whiskey Sour
- Like what the name suggests, the whiskey damn strong.

Lh: Long Island
- I seriously forgot how it tastes like. Hahahaha.

Lm: Erdinger Weissbier
- I didn't try her's cause it's beer & I don't really like drinking beer. I prefer wines & hard liquor.

Everyone exchanged drinks to try. Hahaha. "Wine-tasting" huh??

Final-fucking-ly our food is served. We ordered damn a lot of food la.
But we're really like hungry ghosts cause non of us ate anything before meeting. Haha.
Chicken Pizza
- Not bad.

Roasted Duck Pizza
- Our all time favourite. It's really damn nice especially the sauce. *Slurps!

Scrimp Scampi
- I suggested to order this. The sauce is damn nice. Hahaha. I ate it despite being allergic to seafood.

Timbre Mini Beef Burger
- Please say ewww to beef. This is their favourite, but I HATE beef!! It's so smelly la.

Cajun Spice Chicken Kebabs
- Lh keep pestering us to order this. Baby say it tastes like satay. I think its ok only leh, like a bit burnt I don't like.


After finish that round of food, I swear I am still not full. I don't dare to say I am still hungry.
Hahaha. But actually, all of them were also not contented yet. LOL. So I am not the only one.
By the time we finish our food, the live band started & we sat there enjoying while digesting our food.
We just sat there & enjoy the music, talk cock, bitch about people & basically, just it.
The ambiance was great with people laughing at the background, music playing etc.

You can see how relax I am by the way I sit. Wah, ta-glam sia. Hahaha.
I don't usually put my legs up when sitting in public ok. I am very discreet, not. LOL.

We decided to order another pizza since we were not full yet. Hahahah. Seriously damn glutton.
I think is called Ham Pizza or something like that la. I ate the most I think :x

Photos before we leave. Oh yea, I received good news too.
I thought my lesson starts at 9am the next day. But actually I only have lessons from 1-2pm. Haha.
Yay! Means I can sleep more & don't have to wake up so early for school!!

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