Happy Belated 19th Birthday
Happy Advanced 19th Birthday
Ung Layhoe! :D
Yes so its finally the holidays & we finally have the time to meet-up to celebrate the girls' 19th.
I think we should credit Jean for bringing us to Brewbaker's for tonight's dinner cause she suggested it (:
Jz & I met in early in the morning cause we've got something to attend to. All the way to evening.
Aftermath, I accompanied him back home to have a short nap before meeting the girls.
We ended up meeting at 8pm instead of 730pm cause all of us have things to do.
Thank God I wasn't hungry else I'd have starve to death.
Yep, so both of us met Jean & Jo at Anchorvale Community Club & waited for the rest in the restaurant.
In the mean time, the very enthusiastic manager kept coming to attend to us.
I think at around 830pm, all of them finally arrived. We can start ordering~~!
Basically there's 2 options:
1) For Set Meal add $4.50 to the Main Course price
(includes Soup of the Day, Day's Dessert & Coffee/Tea)
2) For Big Saver Meal add $8.80 to the Main Course price
(Includes Choice of a la carte Soup, Choice from 3 daily a la carte Pastry/Dessert & Coffee/Tea)
I have underlined the difference between the 2 options.
As you can see, you're just paying another $4 more for the CHOICE.
Jean paid $8.80 & regretted it.
Cause at first the manager told us the Soup of the Day is Pumpkin Soup (ewww~).
So she ordered the $8.80 BIG SAVER MEAL & in the end, Soup of the Day turned out to be Mushroom Soup.
Thank God I ordered the $4.50 Set Meal, cause I'm thrifty like that (;

Here. My Soup of the Day - Mushroom Soup.

I wasn't very hungry cause I ate at the wake & when I was at Jz's house his Mom made us eat dinner -.-"
So I ordered something light - Caesar Salad with Chicken (Main Course)
It wasn't that light actually. I had a hard time finishing my food up :/

Finally, dessert time. Mango Ice-Cream(?)
Then it's time to bring out the cake!!
Everyone was like "Whut!? Still got cake? I'm like bursting already leh." LOL.

After we left the restaurant, a few of them left while the rest of us stayed behind to take photo
while waiting for Gr to come pick us up.

Happy Birthday, darlings! ♡♥♡♥
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