Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao
As the title suggests, we went to eat XLB at Crystal Jade, which is at Holland Village.
Its a very famous place I supposed. We called in 2 weeks in advanced to make reservations :/
It's a steamboat buffet, inclusive of XLBs. There are 2 time-slots, 730pm or 1030pm.
We chose the 1030pm slot cause Marcus & Glor would be coming back to Singapore from Genting.
So in case they couldn't come back in time for the 730pm slot, we waited for them & had the 1030pm slot.
We are also celebrating Mr Michael's belated birthday, so we met in the evening to hunt for his prezzie!
We really really really have no idea what to buy for him, but ended up buying LiverPool jersey for him.
We went to the guy's favourite shop at Peninsula to get his jersey. Only the guys chipped-in, we girls no need (:
Aftermath, we shopped around City Hall area for awhile before heading down to Holland V.!
To be honest, I really don't know what we should wear to Holland V., with regards to what Samantha said.
If you guys haven't heard that clip, you should. & you'll know how brainless she is.
C'mon, cannot wear shorts & slippers to Holland V. cause that place is for civilized people?? Who cares!??
Hello~ people are even wearing shorts & slippers to TOWN la. Who cares about Holland V. man, seriously.
I didn't even think twice about my dressing, just whack shorts & slippers. But with a nice top - BAM!

We reached Holland V. at 9+pm, too early to sit-in in the restaurant yet. So we waited outside...

Oh yea... Dad has been faithfully helping me collect the Paddington Bear stickers from 7 Eleven.
I finally collected 10 stickers... Or rather, he finally spent $50 in 7 Eleven, just to collect the bear.
Hahahahah. Thank you Daddy! Love you!!

Alright. When the clock stroke 10pm & we're finally able to sit-in.
However, there's only the 5 of us cause the rest have not reached. So we started eating first.
Eh hello! Buffet only 2hrs leh from 10pm-12pm leh. Of course make full use of the time la!

Their XLB is the BEST! (Y)
Before they reach we already ordered like, 8 baskets. I think at the end of the day, we had total of 25 baskets.
Can you imagine? 1 basket got 5 XLB. We ordered 25 baskets. 5 x 25 = 125 XLBS for 9 people!!

Once they're arrived, everyone digged in!!
We can't stop ordering food, even when they're taking last order at 1130pm.
Despite that table full of uncooked food, the guys still ordered beef slice etc etc etc.
In the end, all of us ended up gorging the food into our mouth! What a scene.
While ordering the chao ahgua waiter still warned us that leftover 100g $5. Pui!!
While we're stuffing ourself with the food & counting down to 12pm where they close,
he kept glancing over our table & laughing to himself. Chao guniang! Pui!!
In the end, we finished up the food for him to see! But all feel like puking la :/

A group photo with Mr Michael the birthday
The LiverPool jersey the guys chipped-in to buy for him.
We girls shared with the guys to pay for his dinner instead (;

That is not the end of the day. The night is still young. So we went to Punggol to chill.
In the car, we also noticed that the moon that night was really special. It looked like it was sliced into half.
No its not a crescent. Its really like cut into half, from the top somemore. So weird right??
In the car, I also opened my Paddington Bear package.
Initially I thought we got to chose the one we wanted. I wanted to chose Amsterdam
But when that Indian lady hand me over this packet with that guailan face, she its random.
But guess what...??

Shortly, we arrived at a quiet place in Punggol. The place is really beautiful.
Its beside a river, & there were bars along the riverside. Plus there's Popeye too! (:
We went into the bar called Frenzie Bistro & Bar to have a few drinks.
Home, sweet home!
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