POOL Party~!
We're already at Semester 3.1 & this could be the last hols we have before we graduate or SIP.
I HATE! But I'm sure with the camaraderie of the class, we'd be able to stick together! (:
So, today we had a joint BBQ with L2 at Stanwin's condo.
I am so glad that after sem 2.2 where all of us split classes, we made so many more friends.
& the extra friends we made, we sort of made friends with our friend's friend.
We're cool like that.
The other time we also had a BBQ at Stanwin's house.
However, that time the BBQ pit was at the back of the condo. So no life & inconvenient!
But this time round, we were granted with this beautiful place...

We had our own private pool! Cool isn't it!?
When I saw it, I regret not bringing extra clothes or swim suit. Totally feel like eating in the pool.

Shiok, is when you can sit by the pool & enjoying BBQ food.

We played Frisbee & ball by the pool. So fun! :D

While we're playing, 2 cutie little boys joined us! They're so cute!
The boy in the water is called Scott. He's an angmoh.

This boy beside me is called Zackery. He's so handsome omg!!
When he grows up, he's gna be a very handsome boy!

With Scott who's playing with us despite his maid standing at the side being annoyed. LOL.

Alvis, the first person to be thrown into the water.

Elicia, I think she willingly jumped into the pool. Lololol.

Stanwin, also another one that's finding a chance to remove his clothes & flaunting...

Look at the guys being dragged in be thrown into the pool!

Eating sausage in the pool. Not bad what.

Omg. I really shouldn't pose with my mouth full.

After posing & posing, I decided to do the 十字拍.


After #2, I gave up & Hariz took over me. Lol he's so funny!








Then... I do not know what he's doing anymore. Lol.

So I tried to demo to them again...





Then I skip to #10. Lol.

Home, sweet home.
P/S; Photo credit to Alvis & Elicia.
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