Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Alright. So we just got home from a party. Actually no. We reached home at around 7pm. Its 930pm now.
I just showered because I was too full to move and you know how bathing sucks when you're bloated? Yea.
The ironic thing is, when I finally dragged myself to the shower, I didn't wna get out because,
for the first time in a long time the temperature of the water is just nice! Not too hot and not too cold :)
This is not the point of this entry. The point of this entry, is I am going to flood this post with FOOD!
Pardon the quality of the photos. I took them with my BlackBerry.
And you know how photos taken via BB sucksballz? I love my BlackBerry btw.

The first thing I grabbed at the party. Yes its alcohol. Not too bitter. Just wna give it a try.

Sausage with Mini Tomatoes. The tomatoes are SO sweet zomggg!

Baked Potato with Pasta Sauce and Mozzarella.
I think I had 6 of this. Its super yummy! And filling. Carbo wtf. Guilty max..

I LOVE DIZZZ! Fried thingy with Melted Cheese zomggg!
I thought its stuffed with Potato fillings or something until I bite and warm cheese just spilled out.

Apparently this is Beef Pie. I totally didn't know what it is and everyone's eating it so I tried.
To my horror, its BEEF! You know how I hate beef? They're so smelly! Urgghhh!

To musk the beef taste in my mouth, I grabbed another pie. This time its filled with potato & curry(???)

Love the new Coke can concept. "Share a Coke with ___*insert name*___" I had Vixen.
Now I know, Vixen is actually the name of the Australian Netball team. According to Shuxian.

Fried Prawn Balls with some twirling thing around. I think is potato strips.
Their prawn is small like ikan bilis. But, prawn nonetheless. Its SO damn hard to get prawns here.

Baked Potato again! I think they ran out of Pasta Sauce so they replaced it with Mayo. EVEN NICER!!
Alright. So that's about all the food we had all evening.
I didn't take some of them because my hand are too messy. Either that or its too nice I got carried away.
So for the entire evening we just hang around, with the other 3000-or-so staff from QUT.
Thankfully we bumped into Mr Nelson, our L.O. in QUT who arranged our OSIP.
So we glued to him the entire evening as he introduce us to all the high-profile people of QUT. Wakakakaka.
Not bad not bad. Didn't know 'plankton' like us had the chance to meet all the big-shots and brush shoulders.
Oh yes, they also had some performance by the staff.
They even had they own QUT Twelve Days of Christmas song! The lyrics is hilarious.
*Click to enlarge.
*Click to enlarge.
Alright. That marks the end of the QUT End of Year Drinks.
Overall, what I enjoyed the most was the FOOD. Hehehehe. They're oh-so-yummy! :)
Overall, what I enjoyed the most was the FOOD. Hehehehe. They're oh-so-yummy! :)
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