Ballet Under the Stars 2010
w Jean, Jo, Joy, Lh...
An annual affair, but this year a little last minute.
Just days before the performance then we started arranging & book the ticket 1 day before.
I've been watching this for the past 3 years, with Jean & Jo only. (Here's year 2009's BUTS)
However, this year was an exception. We have new company, Joy & Lh (:
Friday was supposed to be a day free from school for me, but there's PLM lecture & quiz. Spoiler.
Immediately after I finished my quiz, I rush off to meet the girls, coincidentally bumping into Jean.
We're the only ones who'd be early. The rest are either in school doing projects or out with friends.
On the way, Jean & I was very anxious as it was still drizzling. The ground confirm damn muddy lor.
Bought some neccesities & wait for the girls to arrive before heading to Fort Canning Park.
The event was held on an open field where we can lay our mats & picnic while appreciating the performance.
To be honest, I think half of the time I was eating rather than enjoying the dance :x
On top of the food, there's also full of camwhorings for us. This post is flooded with photos.
I did not take photos of the first 2 Pre-show performance as I was busy munching :x
All the dancers were elegant & graceful. Their moves were simply breadthe-taking.
Pre-Show Performances;
1. Step/Flip
2. Beyond Brushstrokes
3. Project S
4. White Orchid
5. Excerpt of (Un)changing Tides
This performance was an epic FAIL! The dance moves don't suit the song at all.
For your infor, the song was Boom Boom Pow. Its just a bad combination, imho.
Very good evidence to show that we're eating, but trying to concentrate on the performance.
During their performance Jo & I was snacking & saying how nice to have their figure & all. Its like....
"Wah, how I hope I can have their 身材 sia!" *munch crunch crunch!

喜怒哀乐 - Take #1.

I swear her light ring is cute, but IRRITATING!

6. My Homeland

喜怒哀乐 - Take #2.


Our theme for the day is BLUE, set by me. But I only told Jean & Jo. Hohoho!
But look, we still have same blue nails. Joy, Jo & me ((:

Then its the start of the Main Performance;
Concerto Barocco

Don Quixote pas de deux

Everything under the stars...
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