Happy Advanced 18th Birthday,
Apologies for using this photo. I browsed your Facebook & almost all photos were related to food. Haha.
Here's wishing you a very happy 18th birthday! May your dreams come true.
Study hard & pass your papers with flying colours k? Love you to the fullest. Xoxo.

As I was at Baby's house since I spent the night there, we both woke up as early as 7am to prepare the food.
I was in-charge of bringing spaghetti & Baby's in-charge of nuggets.
But we switched roles as I find cooking the nuggets more interesting & fun. Heh.
Once we're done preparing the food & preparing ourselves, its time to leave the house.
All of us meet at Plaza Singapura to get some last minute stuff, & cabbed over to Botanical Gardens.
As it was a surprise, we've to reach there earlier to set-up everything & wait for the birthday girl to arrive.
The weather was oh-so-good when we reached. We chose a spot behind the Swan Garden.
We laid the food, blow the balloons, fill the Pinata with sweets, etc...
Cher is the laughing Buddha of the day man, seriously.
From the photos that was taken, count how many of them were taken when she's laughing.

The birthday girl finally arrived, with Mx covering her eyes using his palms.
The plan's this: Mx will bluff her saying that he've a performance at Botanical Gardens.
When she arrived, we'd surprise her (;
We're so not prepared when she arrived man! All of us were in a state of panic.
& the worst thing is, it started to drizzle the moment we took out the cake! Ugh!!
Imagine there's a chat box popping out of me & Cher's head, what do you think we'd be saying?
Answer: "LIGHTER!!"
All trying very hard to protect the cake.
Finally, the hands were removed from the birthday girl's eyes & TA-DAHHH!
"Happy burthdae to uueee! Happieee burthhhdaeee tooo uueeee..."

After cutting the cake, we shifted to a spot under a huge tree.
But after we've laid the mats & all, the rain stopped. So we decided to shift out to somewhere brighter.
We shifted to a spot under another smaller tree & laid everything, but it started raining again.
What the. Is this a joke to us or something? We decided to give up & settle under some shelter instead.
Even though the final spot was a little awkward, but at least we can finally settle down & eat in peace.
By the time, everyone's famished. Let's dig in, people!!
The potato salad that Lh prepared was mad yums! (Y)

We sat there for quite awhile until everyone was too full to eat anything else.
Baby left halfway for his soccer match, but I decided to stay behind );
We lepak for a little longer & chatted while waiting for the weather to turn better.
Finally, the sun's out again. Pack up & shift our stuff out again.
Imagine there's a chat box popping out from my head, what do you think I'd say?
"Aye Jolene, don't fart hor!!" & I'm serious.
The surrounding scenery was too pretty to resist taking lots of photos.
On top of that, our balloons fit nicely with the occasion & everything just blends in so nicely.

This little boy was attracted by our balloons too. He kept running over & grabbing our balloons.
Awww... this photo is just so sweet!!

Finally, its time to play with the pinata! It was Mx's idea.
We had lots of fun seeing how Hil whack the pinata but it can't be damage in any way.
In the end, we have to rip open the pinata in order to get the sweet inside. Haha!
Look at how excited the birthday girl is, getting to whack the pinata with my umbrella.
After 'successfully' whacking the pinata, we handed over the present that we bought for Hil.
I hope you like it, babygirl.

Aftermath, a few of us went off including me.
& I went to The Hiding Place to look for Baby.
Up next... 5th Year Anniversary (Part II)
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