Brothers & Sisters 4eva!!
I know in my previous post I said I'll be blogging lesser as I'll be going out lesser but guess not.
I know in my previous post I said I'll be blogging lesser as I'll be going out lesser but guess not.
Just this week alone, friends have been asking me out. So much so that I have to turn down a few. Sorry guys.
Since tomorrow (or today) would be a P.H. - Hari Raya Haji, Tues night would be great to hang out.
Actually my Tues night was supposed to be spent drinking with Dom & Shawn but last min changes.
Just then, I received darl Lh's text asking us out for dinner at Chomps together with 7 Wonders.
What a great plan! Cause during our hols, we've been trying to organize meet-ups but always fail.
So this time round, its really a perfect time as everyone would probably be free.
Besides, we can hang out late since no school the next day. Yippeee! :D
In the evening while I was on the way home Lh called me & told me they're at Kovan waiting for me.
I reached home, bathed, had a light dinner & rushed over to meet them.
I am terribly sorry to make Hw, Hj, Lh & Vin wait for me for almost an hour.
Actually, I watched a little bit of 爱, that's why I am late I'm sorry... );
The 5 of us went over to Chomps first. Jo & Lm would be meeting us there.
Once all of us were there, we went to order food.
Omg. The amount of food they ordered was... like a pile of mountain I swear.
We swept it all anyway. Hahahaha.
Over the dinner table, we talked about almost anything under the moon & stars.
Mostly making fun of each other's past & our secondary school life.
Awww.... I miss those times badly...


Photos of only 2 dishes we taken cause Jo the camera woman was too busy eating to snap. HAHA.

After our dinner, we decided to walk around the stretch of houses along Serangoon Road.
We walked past every house & can't stop going "Wah so nice!" "Wah this is my dream house!"
Actually I think I am the only one la. The rest of them were like... busy talking.
Lm's clinging onto my arm & every house we walk past, I'll point it out to her. LOL!!
Guess what. When we exit the stretch of houses, we found ourselves at Ang Mo Kio Ave 3.
Haahaha! We walked THAT far. Good exercise anyway.
Just nice, the bus stop there conveniently has the buses for us to take home.
Home, sweet home.
Selemat Hari Raya Haji! :D
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