Last Friday night...
Hello, I will be blogging lesser & lesser as school's been draining most of my life away. Doggie sad.
Just today has been a very challenging day for me.
CSAS presentation, IPT interview, PMic tutorial quiz, PMic proposal submission....
Anyway, finally the weekend is here again & this time I am not going to stay at home clearing school work.
Instead, I am going to spend some night life together with Debbie & Shawn over at Clark Quay. It's good.
Right after school, Debbie & I made our way over to Raffles together with Naz & Shikin.
Hahaha. Looks like everyone's Friday night is filled with fun huh.
We went on separate ways when we reached Raffles, then we went to meet Shawn.
As expected, the queue outside Timbre was WOW. Everyone really T.G.I.F. ah.
We queued from 7pm to around 730pm when the waitress asked if we're ok with in-house seats,
judging from the queue, we're only halfway & it'll take another hour so we agreed.
After our food & drinks, we took off.
Aftermath, we walked around Clark Quay. Shawn said he wna bring us to somewhere to chill.
We walked past lots of clubbers & clubs. Haha. What a great night to partay ya? (:
This is Debbie's drink which is really nice too. It doesn't taste like alcoholic drink la. More like juice.
We wanted to wait for the live band to start which is 1015pm. But its taking far too long.
So we left the place. Since the night is still young, we went elsewhere to chillax.
We wanted to go over to Shawn's house to drink somemore but...
we ended up sitting outside The Central. It's such a nice place to chill.
So the night ended off with us sitting by the riverside having heart to heart talks. Loves.
♫ This Friday night, do it all again... ♫
Hello, I will be blogging lesser & lesser as school's been draining most of my life away. Doggie sad.
Just today has been a very challenging day for me.
CSAS presentation, IPT interview, PMic tutorial quiz, PMic proposal submission....
Anyway, finally the weekend is here again & this time I am not going to stay at home clearing school work.
Instead, I am going to spend some night life together with Debbie & Shawn over at Clark Quay. It's good.
Right after school, Debbie & I made our way over to Raffles together with Naz & Shikin.
Hahaha. Looks like everyone's Friday night is filled with fun huh.
We went on separate ways when we reached Raffles, then we went to meet Shawn.
As expected, the queue outside Timbre was WOW. Everyone really T.G.I.F. ah.
We queued from 7pm to around 730pm when the waitress asked if we're ok with in-house seats,
judging from the queue, we're only halfway & it'll take another hour so we agreed.

Me: Sakura
Best damn drink ever I swear. Not only the colour is nice, it taste damn nice as well.
However, the alcohol doesn't really taste strong enough.

Debbie: Havana Blanco Rum (on the rock)
The taste really suck. Hahaha. At first she ordered on the rock, then she cound't take it she've to add Coke.

Shawn: Chivas (on the rock)
Same as Debbie, it sucks! Hahaha. Both of them really sway to order bad drinks.
This Shroom Teo ah, really shy to take photos. Sian lao sai.

We also ordered my favouritest food, Roasted Duck Pizza.
I swallowed a piece of the crispy biscuit WHOLE! I was surprised it didn't slit my throat.

After our food & drinks, we took off.
I immediately regret accepting the in-house seats. Its really empty inside with only 4 tables.
The ambiance is really poor we can't even hear the music T_TAftermath, we walked around Clark Quay. Shawn said he wna bring us to somewhere to chill.
We walked past lots of clubbers & clubs. Haha. What a great night to partay ya? (:

Next stop: YelloJello, plox!
I like the place once we entered. Haha. Not very crowded though but... really a nice place to chill.

I didn't wna drink anymore but they said everyone have to order, so I ask Shawn to order for me.
Which, turned out to be really nice!! This is Debbie's drink which is really nice too. It doesn't taste like alcoholic drink la. More like juice.

Shawn's drink. Taste like Whiskey lor I swear.
He drank halfway, couldn't take the taste & swapped drinks with me. Cause I'm ok with the taste.

Tadah!! My awesome drink which taste like Cherry. Both of them don't like it though.

We wanted to wait for the live band to start which is 1015pm. But its taking far too long.
So we left the place. Since the night is still young, we went elsewhere to chillax.
We wanted to go over to Shawn's house to drink somemore but...
we ended up sitting outside The Central. It's such a nice place to chill.
So the night ended off with us sitting by the riverside having heart to heart talks. Loves.
♫ This Friday night, do it all again... ♫
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