Happy Deepavali! :D
First & foremost, Happy Deepavali to all Indian friends (:
I have been looking forward to this long weekend. Have been praying very hard for it.
School's been draining me out. To be very honest, I haven't been very diligent on my research );
In fact, I've pushed all my research to be done this long weekend. Hehe. Hopefully I'll have the mood.
Anyway, today was such a lazy Friday. I kept thinking it was Saturday. Hah.
I woke up in the noon, had my breakfast AND lunch. Omg, almost burst.
Baby asked me to accompany him for lunch as well as to Compass Point to settle his phone stuff.
So I went with him & that's basically how I spent my day.
When I reached home, I was contemplating on whether to start doing my research, or take a nap.
I chose the latter. The weather was simply too shiok to resist. Almost everyone was napping la.
After my short nap, Papi woke us up & we got ready to go for dinner.
We've decided to have Japanese food for dinner. Say hi to sashimi!! Haha.
Guess what? All of us took a train there instead of driving.
Cause Momsie would meet us there & she's driving the car. We don't wna drive 2 cars there.
So, Shin Kushiya for dinner people. Let the photos do the talking.
(P/S; Photos taken using my BB. Forgot to bring my camera out :x)

While dining we saw fireworks too. Coming from Sentosa USS I think. Wonderful.
After dinner we went to buy Starbucks. Dark Cherry Mocha frap you're back again!! *slurps.
Had a short little walk at the sky garden & spent about 3omins looking for the car.
Momsie actually forgot where she parked the car. We walked the whole of Vivo trying to find it T.T
♥ Home, sweet home ♥
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