Malaysia Road Trip 2010
Hello Singapore, I am back from my 6D5N Malaysia road trip.
These 6 days have been really fun & interesting. I went to many places too (:
Amongst all the places, I love Fraser's Hill & Port Dickson the most.
If I were to give a first prize, it'll be no doubt Port Dickson cause the place is so beautiful. You'll see.
18th Dec (Day 1): Singapore - Johor Baru - Melaka
Distance traveled: ~50km Time taken: ~2hours
First day of the road trip, still feeling good though (: We set off at around 630am.
Crossing the Singapore custom was pretty fast, but over at the Malaysia custom, a little jam.
Not long after we entered, Bro said he's having a stomachache, so we stopped over at Sutera Utama.
Destination: Skudai to Pontian
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~2hours
We stopped over at Pontian for our first breakfast!
Dad specially stopped-by here cause of their famous Wanton Mee.
We reached at around 9am. & thankfully, they open at 9am too. Else we'd have to wait.

Pontian Wanton Mee - RM$38 in total.
I ask Dad to give a 'filling' look, & this is what he gave. Haha!
Same for Bro. Both of them are so comical!
We saw a shop house we caught a rat in the house-trap.
Oh btw, my family recently caught a rat in the trap in our wet kitchen too!
After our lunch, we're on our way to Muar. Sis watching Gossip Girls in the car.
After that both of us watched Sounds of Music together. Haha.
Destination: Pontian to Batu Pahat
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~1hour 15mins
I know I said our next destination was Muar, but we stopped over at Batu Pahat cause we saw Bata.
Haha. Ikr, nowadays who still buy shoes from Bata but, I bought a pair of shoe there. Hehe.
Destination: Batu Pahat to Muar
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~1hour 30mins
Finally, we arrived at Muar! It was already 1pm so we used the GPS & searched for eating places.
I tell you, the GPS is really damn handy la. Everyone should invest in 1.
It brought us to this place that sells famous Sambal Fish head.
RM$60 in total.
Oh yes, guess what? I caught the flu bug on the very first day of the trip.
Is like the minute I entered the car & we set off, I started sneezing wheezing. Sway lao sai.
Hahaha. Sis caught a glimpse of Bro sleeping unglamly & snapped a picture of it.
In the car, Sis & I was too bored, we started playing Hangman.
This is what she quizzed me. Damn lame la. She said she was urgent.
This is my room shared with my Sis & my maid.
After we checked into our hotel, had a little rest, we went out again to tour around Melaka.
First we went to the King's Well. Where I made wishes. Not one, but many. Haha.
There is a temple right beside it too.
It is already close to dinner time so we reckon we had our dinner first.
Since we're in Melaka & my relative's restaurant is here, we went to pay a visit.
Dinner at Ban Lee Siang, a.k.a. Loklok. You know the ever famous one? Ya.
Loklok - RM$80+ in total.
Even though it was opened by my relative but still... people doing business leh. So must pay.
After our dinner, we just make a route into Jonker's Walk as it's right around the corner.
It is like a massive Pasar Malam. Really frigging huge.
We didn't complete the whole stretch but already damn tired. & bought a lot of stuff already.
Btw, I bump into my classmate Bernice as I was inside. What a coincidence right!?? (:

19th Dec (Day 2): Melaka - Pahang
Before we leave Melaka, we decided to go to the Butterfly Park a.k.a. Taman Rama-Rama.
There are lots of places of interest around our hotels. But we only had time for one.
I thought the Butterfly Park only had butterflies, butterflies & more butterflies, but no.
Its like a mini zoo when we entered. We don't even feel like its a butterfly park. You'll see.
Anyway, the entrance fee is like, RM$12 per adult.
I told'ya right? It seems more like a zoo than a butterfly park.
Anyway, we also went for lunch at a near-by eatery. Its famous for its chicken rice balls.
Chicken Rice balls - RM$33 in total.
Destination: Melaka to Tampin
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~45mins
Destination: Tampin to Fraser's Hill
Distance traveled: ~150km Time taken: ~4hours
Longest traveling time EVER! I think I fell asleep in the car Idk.
Anyway, just look at the scenery omg! We're on a hill & its pretty chilly over here.
Guess what, Mom didn't tell us its gna be cold in Fraser's Hill. Heng I got long-sleeved stocked up.
We arrived at the hill's check-point at around 630pm to find out that we can't go up to the top just yet.
Cause there are timings for cars to go up, & come down.
Dad said we're really lucky to reach at 630pm cause 7pm is the last trip.
Else we'd be stranded below. Which, I think I will die la, really.
So we roamed around the check-point, eat, take pictures, rest a little, until 7pm.
Once the road has opened, we traveled another 8km up the hill, & arrived at Shazan Inn.
Because the place was cold, the inn has a chimney in the lobby!
As we were in the lobby surfing the net, playing board games etc, the person asked us
"Do you need me to light up the chimney for you?"
20th Dec (Day 3): Pahang
Today, all along we're touring around Fraser's Hill.
It may seem to be like a small place but there are lots of activities going on around here.
Clock Tower
First stop was the clock tower, which... looks more like a symbolic stone to me.
There are many other resorts, inn or apartments around here. All look very westernize.
There is a golf course on the hill too! My Dad's elated. Too bad he didn't bring along his golf clubs.
A group shot at the golf country club. Haha. Look Dad & my pose, epic.
After which, we climbed all the way up a flight of stairs & arrived at the Mimi Strawberry Farm.
It should be called Mini instead. Cause there is only, say, 20 pots of strawbies(?)
This place is more like a eatery instead. We saw many people stopping over here for their meals.
Allan's Water (Boating)
It was too early for lunch so we went to other places of interest on the hill. Like Allan's Water.
Basically this place is like a lake la. But, I don't see what's interesting.
When we reached, we are the only people there, no one else.
Dad, Bro, Sis & I decided to explore so we walked inside.
After a while, another group of people came & they played the water activities.
Its quite cheap I heard. I think RM$6 for 15mins? I am not sure.
We also stopped by a check-point where we can listen to the birds singing, enjoy the scenery...
In my case, I played at their mini-playground instead. Hahaha. I will never grow up.
Flower Nursery
Actually this was a mistake. My Dad took a wrong turn & we ended up here, in a nursery.
Pretty boring place with nobody.
Horse Riding
This is the fun part, I've been looking forward to this - horse riding.
I was a little disappointed though cause it was drizzling.
& at first the person say cannot. But in the end the rain somehow stopped so we rode on the horses (:
The place is right beside the horse-riding place so we walked there.
I didn't wna try cause I suck at archery. Can't believe I'm actually from Air Rifle in sec school.
In the end I gave it a go too. Just look at my score card! (:
It was time for lunch & the place is closing, so we left & went to the Mimi Strawberry Farm for lunch.
My grandmother's already tired so we went back to the hotel.
Even I was tired & napped for an hour. Hahaha. Everyone rested too I think.
Mom woke me up & all of us went out again, leaving my grandma & maid at the apartment to rest.
Jeriau Waterfall
We were contemplating on going this waterfall cause it was a 4km drive up!
4km may seem short but 4km of curvy-durvey road can kill. Seriously.
That is why my bro has car-sick when we went up Fraser's Hill. Weak. LOL!
Upon reaching, we still have to hike quite deep inside to reach the waterfall. Still, worth it.
21st Dec (Day 4): Pahang - Selangor - Negeri Sembilan
Rise & shine, had breakfast & took a few more photos cause we're leaving today.
Destination: Fraser's Hill to Selangor
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~2hours
This is a scenery taken while we're going down the hill. The sceneries are really breathtaking.
We arrived at Batu Caves, a place of interest. Its really a tourist attraction.
Oh yea, mostly Indian people cause its an Indian temple at the top.
When I saw the stairs up to the cave, I almost fainted.
The sad thing is, there is not cable-car or any other transport to go up! HAVE.TO.CLIMB! ):
The place is flooded with pigeons, & monkeys.
One thing I find damn grossed was, people actually went to touch the pigeons etc & took photos.
Ewww(?) They are so damn dirty la. They went in the middle of the flock & took photos with them.
Wtf. Later they kena H1N1 then they know. Still wna take photo??
Monkeys, they may seem cute but, don't feed them also leh please.
A monkey actually came to 'attack' me. She came & grab my legs cause I was holding on to something.
I saw a stall doing hena & went to do it. Hehehe. RM$10 for mine, almost same as Singapore.
Oh btw, when I came back to Singapore, Baby saw m hena & went "Eee, disgusting." =="
My parents have already started climbing while I was doing my hena.
My first few steps were alright but half-way through, I'm panting like mad.
I even took off my Birks cause I find it easier to walk bare-footed.
Along the way I was resting & an old Indian lady said to me "You're still young girl."
So I replied "No no! I never exercise, cannot cannot!" Hahaha.
My Bro was in front of us snapping unglam photos of us.
My Sis is behind me, trying to catch her breadth as well. So funny la.
Ok, the above photo is just 'pretending' to be tired. But this one is real.
When Sis reached the top, her face immediately turned pale & she just drop on the floor.
Hahaha. Everyone offered water, medicated oil, fan etc. Hahaha.
Actually I also la. I was feeling a little giddy but not as bad as her.
The following pictures were taken by Bro inside the cave.
I didn't walk inside, only half-way cause I was really not feeling very well.
After a short rest, we were finally fit enough to climb down the stairs.
The sad thing is knowing we have to climb down the number of stairs we climbed up T_T
After leaving Batu Caves, we drove a short distance & arrived at a very grand hotel.
It is called Palace of the Golden Horses. Even the name is grand la.
We took a few photos here & make a route to the other side where there is a shopping centre.
We settled our lunch there too. Had dim sums. Yum tum tum~
Destination: Selangor to Negeri Sembilan
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~2hours
This, is by far my favouritest place for this trip - Port Dickson.
I bet you've heard of this place before. Its famous for their sea & beautiful scenery.
We are going to be staying in The Legend Water Chalet for 3D2N.

When we arrived, I didn't know how beautiful this place was until we went to our chalet.
Yes, we don't live in hotels, we live in a chalet. & its ABOVE THE WATER!
There is even buggy to drive us to our rooms.
When I entered my room, I was so squealing & jumping cause our room was really damn nice.
Even the photos I've taken can't show 50% of how nice it was.
Let me bring you around our room.
First when we entered the room, it is the toilet. Yes, the toilet is not a separate room.
When you entered, you'll see the jacuzzi, the rain-shower & the toilet.
Oh btw, the rain-shower's roof can be opened. So if you wna bathe in natural sunlight, open it.
& yes, the toilet floor has this piece of glass that allows you to see the seawater below!
You may even see fishes swimming at the bottom when you're bathing. Cool shit~!
Then you enter the room & there's a king-sized bed. There is also a sun-bed at the side if you can see.
I shared the bed with Sis while Bro slept on the sun-bed. Hahaha.
If you pull up the curtains, you can see the toilet & whoever's bathing there. So suitable for couples.
Then there's a balcony where there are 2 tanning-bed for you to sun-tan.
There is also a mini BBQ pit where you can BBQ & fish at the same time (:

Here's how our chalet's exterior look like. Pretty cool right? (:
We unpacked & rest a little before going out for dinner.
These photos were taken at the chalet. Cause the view was too nice, we need to take photos.
Dinner at a near-by seafood restaurant (:
22nd Dec (Day 5): Negeri Sembilan
The next day was spend entirely in Port Dickson as well. Oh btw, I have fallen sick.
The entire night I have been sneezing & having blocked nose, throat was in pain too. Sucks.
Our first destination was to the museum. I can't remember which. Hehehe.
After the museum, we went for lunch, then Dad drove around & got lost, so we went back.
Since we have the entire afternoon, I took this opportunity to use the resort's facilities.
I soaked myself in the jacuzzi in hot water for hours. Shiok ttm!
After my hot bathe, I took a short nap. Wah, totally relaxing.
Woke up & got prepared once again to head out.
We went to explore other facilities in the resort like the swimming pool etc.
Then we stroll to the beach. Its quite disappointing though, the beach is very small.
After that we went back to the resort to play pool before going out for dinner.
We went back to the same seafood restaurant for dinner.
& tonight, the sea view was splendid. I get to see the sunset (:
After our dinner, we went back to the resort to rest early.
However, Bro & Dad rented fishing rods & they had overnight fishing.
Sad to say, they didn't caught anything. Oh well, as expected la.
I doubt fishes would swim over to a place with bright lights & many people right?
23rd Dec (Day 6): Negeri Sembilan - Johor Baru - Singapore
Awww... I feel so sad cause we're leaving this place already.
This is like, the best Best BEST place ever! I wna migrate to Malaysia & stay here!! Ugh!
Still, let's bid farewell to the awesome chalet we stayed in. Love you!
Today would be the last day of our Malaysia road trip. So we have to make full use of it.
We wanted to go over to the Ostrich Farm but when we arrived, it was closed due to wet weather.
However, we went to the light house instead. All these places were all very close to each other.
So it was only a few minutes drive.
But the sad thing is, we can't drive up to the light house, we have to park outside & walk in.
No, I should say hike. Cause it was up-slope. & its really steep. Can die.
Can you imagine walking 2km up steep slopes like this? All the way?

But when we finally reached, the sweat & muscle made it all worth it.
Cause the view from the top was awesome. It was fantastic.
Destination: Port Dickson to Air Hitam
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~3hours
Ok, another long ride. We arrived at some street to settle lunch.
The place is full of shop houses but not many people. This place is quite deserted.
& the only place we can settle our lunch is Mary Brown. My first time eating it (:
They have swings as their seats. So fun.
How I hope Singapore will have this in Macs or KFC :/
Destination: Air Hitam to Skudai
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~1hr 30mins
Since we're in Malaysia, we decided to drop-by our newly bought house in Malaysia.
My parents just bought a new house in Malaysia a few weeks ago, so we went to check it out.
Our apartment was still under construction, so here's the model of it. Excited to move in.
Our parents also had a short meet-up with the lawyers with regards of the house.
After that, we went to our relative's place which is just near-by.
My grandmother would be staying there until Mon, so we will drop her there.
We went to our relative's provision shop which is right beside their house,
& we saw this really really cute puppy! It wasn't my relatives, but their neighbours.
So cute! It's called 小白. & he's only 1 year old.
After leaving our relative's place, we went back to Sutera Utama for shopping! Yay!
I saw two really nice bags & wanted to buy but I already bought bags at Mine Shopping Centre ):
Hopefully I can find it in Singapore, but of course, it'll be more expensive.
We also settled for dinner near-by.
Btw, that area has famous Bak Kut Teh & Roasted Duck.
We settled for Roasted Duck. Hehehe. Yummeh~!
After dinner, we travel all the way back to Singapore!
But of course not forgetting the massive jam we faced.
We're stuck for about 45mins? But still, glad to be home (:
Home, sweet home ♥
These 6 days have been really fun & interesting. I went to many places too (:
Amongst all the places, I love Fraser's Hill & Port Dickson the most.
If I were to give a first prize, it'll be no doubt Port Dickson cause the place is so beautiful. You'll see.
18th Dec (Day 1): Singapore - Johor Baru - Melaka
Destination: Singapore to Skudai (Johor Baru)
First day of the road trip, still feeling good though (: We set off at around 630am.
Crossing the Singapore custom was pretty fast, but over at the Malaysia custom, a little jam.
Not long after we entered, Bro said he's having a stomachache, so we stopped over at Sutera Utama.

Destination: Skudai to Pontian
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~2hours
We stopped over at Pontian for our first breakfast!
Dad specially stopped-by here cause of their famous Wanton Mee.
We reached at around 9am. & thankfully, they open at 9am too. Else we'd have to wait.

Pontian Wanton Mee - RM$38 in total.

I ask Dad to give a 'filling' look, & this is what he gave. Haha!

Same for Bro. Both of them are so comical!

We saw a shop house we caught a rat in the house-trap.
Oh btw, my family recently caught a rat in the trap in our wet kitchen too!

After our lunch, we're on our way to Muar. Sis watching Gossip Girls in the car.

After that both of us watched Sounds of Music together. Haha.

Destination: Pontian to Batu Pahat
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~1hour 15mins
I know I said our next destination was Muar, but we stopped over at Batu Pahat cause we saw Bata.
Haha. Ikr, nowadays who still buy shoes from Bata but, I bought a pair of shoe there. Hehe.

Destination: Batu Pahat to Muar
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~1hour 30mins
Finally, we arrived at Muar! It was already 1pm so we used the GPS & searched for eating places.
I tell you, the GPS is really damn handy la. Everyone should invest in 1.
It brought us to this place that sells famous Sambal Fish head.

RM$60 in total.

Oh yes, guess what? I caught the flu bug on the very first day of the trip.
Is like the minute I entered the car & we set off, I started sneezing wheezing. Sway lao sai.

Hahaha. Sis caught a glimpse of Bro sleeping unglamly & snapped a picture of it.
This is what she quizzed me. Damn lame la. She said she was urgent.

Destination: Muar to Melaka
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~1hour 30mins
Finally, we reached our first hotel of this trip - Seri Malaysia.
It wasn't some grand hotel as all the hotels were fully booked. Still can stay la hor.
We only planned this trip like 3weeks ago. Haha.

This is my room shared with my Sis & my maid.

After we checked into our hotel, had a little rest, we went out again to tour around Melaka.
First we went to the King's Well. Where I made wishes. Not one, but many. Haha.
There is a temple right beside it too.

It is already close to dinner time so we reckon we had our dinner first.
Since we're in Melaka & my relative's restaurant is here, we went to pay a visit.
Dinner at Ban Lee Siang, a.k.a. Loklok. You know the ever famous one? Ya.
Loklok - RM$80+ in total.
Even though it was opened by my relative but still... people doing business leh. So must pay.

After our dinner, we just make a route into Jonker's Walk as it's right around the corner.
It is like a massive Pasar Malam. Really frigging huge.
We didn't complete the whole stretch but already damn tired. & bought a lot of stuff already.
Btw, I bump into my classmate Bernice as I was inside. What a coincidence right!?? (:

Before we leave Melaka, we decided to go to the Butterfly Park a.k.a. Taman Rama-Rama.
There are lots of places of interest around our hotels. But we only had time for one.
I thought the Butterfly Park only had butterflies, butterflies & more butterflies, but no.
Its like a mini zoo when we entered. We don't even feel like its a butterfly park. You'll see.
Anyway, the entrance fee is like, RM$12 per adult.

I told'ya right? It seems more like a zoo than a butterfly park.
Anyway, we also went for lunch at a near-by eatery. Its famous for its chicken rice balls.
Chicken Rice balls - RM$33 in total.

Destination: Melaka to Tampin
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~45mins
Destination: Tampin to Fraser's Hill
Distance traveled: ~150km Time taken: ~4hours
Longest traveling time EVER! I think I fell asleep in the car Idk.
Anyway, just look at the scenery omg! We're on a hill & its pretty chilly over here.
Guess what, Mom didn't tell us its gna be cold in Fraser's Hill. Heng I got long-sleeved stocked up.

We arrived at the hill's check-point at around 630pm to find out that we can't go up to the top just yet.
Cause there are timings for cars to go up, & come down.
Dad said we're really lucky to reach at 630pm cause 7pm is the last trip.
Else we'd be stranded below. Which, I think I will die la, really.
So we roamed around the check-point, eat, take pictures, rest a little, until 7pm.

Once the road has opened, we traveled another 8km up the hill, & arrived at Shazan Inn.
Because the place was cold, the inn has a chimney in the lobby!
As we were in the lobby surfing the net, playing board games etc, the person asked us
"Do you need me to light up the chimney for you?"

20th Dec (Day 3): Pahang
Today, all along we're touring around Fraser's Hill.
It may seem to be like a small place but there are lots of activities going on around here.
Clock Tower
First stop was the clock tower, which... looks more like a symbolic stone to me.
There are many other resorts, inn or apartments around here. All look very westernize.
There is a golf course on the hill too! My Dad's elated. Too bad he didn't bring along his golf clubs.
A group shot at the golf country club. Haha. Look Dad & my pose, epic.
After which, we climbed all the way up a flight of stairs & arrived at the Mimi Strawberry Farm.
It should be called Mini instead. Cause there is only, say, 20 pots of strawbies(?)
This place is more like a eatery instead. We saw many people stopping over here for their meals.
Allan's Water (Boating)
It was too early for lunch so we went to other places of interest on the hill. Like Allan's Water.
Basically this place is like a lake la. But, I don't see what's interesting.
When we reached, we are the only people there, no one else.
Dad, Bro, Sis & I decided to explore so we walked inside.
After a while, another group of people came & they played the water activities.
Its quite cheap I heard. I think RM$6 for 15mins? I am not sure.
We also stopped by a check-point where we can listen to the birds singing, enjoy the scenery...
In my case, I played at their mini-playground instead. Hahaha. I will never grow up.
Flower Nursery
Actually this was a mistake. My Dad took a wrong turn & we ended up here, in a nursery.
Pretty boring place with nobody.
Horse Riding
This is the fun part, I've been looking forward to this - horse riding.
I was a little disappointed though cause it was drizzling.
& at first the person say cannot. But in the end the rain somehow stopped so we rode on the horses (:
The place is right beside the horse-riding place so we walked there.
I didn't wna try cause I suck at archery. Can't believe I'm actually from Air Rifle in sec school.
In the end I gave it a go too. Just look at my score card! (:
It was time for lunch & the place is closing, so we left & went to the Mimi Strawberry Farm for lunch.
My grandmother's already tired so we went back to the hotel.
Even I was tired & napped for an hour. Hahaha. Everyone rested too I think.
Mom woke me up & all of us went out again, leaving my grandma & maid at the apartment to rest.
Jeriau Waterfall
We were contemplating on going this waterfall cause it was a 4km drive up!
4km may seem short but 4km of curvy-durvey road can kill. Seriously.
That is why my bro has car-sick when we went up Fraser's Hill. Weak. LOL!
Upon reaching, we still have to hike quite deep inside to reach the waterfall. Still, worth it.
21st Dec (Day 4): Pahang - Selangor - Negeri Sembilan
Rise & shine, had breakfast & took a few more photos cause we're leaving today.

Destination: Fraser's Hill to Selangor
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~2hours
This is a scenery taken while we're going down the hill. The sceneries are really breathtaking.

We arrived at Batu Caves, a place of interest. Its really a tourist attraction.
Oh yea, mostly Indian people cause its an Indian temple at the top.
When I saw the stairs up to the cave, I almost fainted.
The sad thing is, there is not cable-car or any other transport to go up! HAVE.TO.CLIMB! ):

The place is flooded with pigeons, & monkeys.
One thing I find damn grossed was, people actually went to touch the pigeons etc & took photos.
Ewww(?) They are so damn dirty la. They went in the middle of the flock & took photos with them.
Wtf. Later they kena H1N1 then they know. Still wna take photo??

Monkeys, they may seem cute but, don't feed them also leh please.
A monkey actually came to 'attack' me. She came & grab my legs cause I was holding on to something.

I saw a stall doing hena & went to do it. Hehehe. RM$10 for mine, almost same as Singapore.
Oh btw, when I came back to Singapore, Baby saw m hena & went "Eee, disgusting." =="

My parents have already started climbing while I was doing my hena.
My first few steps were alright but half-way through, I'm panting like mad.
I even took off my Birks cause I find it easier to walk bare-footed.
Along the way I was resting & an old Indian lady said to me "You're still young girl."
So I replied "No no! I never exercise, cannot cannot!" Hahaha.

My Bro was in front of us snapping unglam photos of us.
My Sis is behind me, trying to catch her breadth as well. So funny la.

Ok, the above photo is just 'pretending' to be tired. But this one is real.
When Sis reached the top, her face immediately turned pale & she just drop on the floor.
Hahaha. Everyone offered water, medicated oil, fan etc. Hahaha.
Actually I also la. I was feeling a little giddy but not as bad as her.

The following pictures were taken by Bro inside the cave.
I didn't walk inside, only half-way cause I was really not feeling very well.

After a short rest, we were finally fit enough to climb down the stairs.
The sad thing is knowing we have to climb down the number of stairs we climbed up T_T

After leaving Batu Caves, we drove a short distance & arrived at a very grand hotel.
It is called Palace of the Golden Horses. Even the name is grand la.
We took a few photos here & make a route to the other side where there is a shopping centre.
We settled our lunch there too. Had dim sums. Yum tum tum~

Destination: Selangor to Negeri Sembilan
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~2hours
This, is by far my favouritest place for this trip - Port Dickson.
I bet you've heard of this place before. Its famous for their sea & beautiful scenery.
We are going to be staying in The Legend Water Chalet for 3D2N.

When we arrived, I didn't know how beautiful this place was until we went to our chalet.
Yes, we don't live in hotels, we live in a chalet. & its ABOVE THE WATER!
There is even buggy to drive us to our rooms.

When I entered my room, I was so squealing & jumping cause our room was really damn nice.
Even the photos I've taken can't show 50% of how nice it was.
Let me bring you around our room.
First when we entered the room, it is the toilet. Yes, the toilet is not a separate room.
When you entered, you'll see the jacuzzi, the rain-shower & the toilet.
Oh btw, the rain-shower's roof can be opened. So if you wna bathe in natural sunlight, open it.

& yes, the toilet floor has this piece of glass that allows you to see the seawater below!
You may even see fishes swimming at the bottom when you're bathing. Cool shit~!

Then you enter the room & there's a king-sized bed. There is also a sun-bed at the side if you can see.
I shared the bed with Sis while Bro slept on the sun-bed. Hahaha.

If you pull up the curtains, you can see the toilet & whoever's bathing there. So suitable for couples.

Then there's a balcony where there are 2 tanning-bed for you to sun-tan.
There is also a mini BBQ pit where you can BBQ & fish at the same time (:

Here's how our chalet's exterior look like. Pretty cool right? (:

We unpacked & rest a little before going out for dinner.
These photos were taken at the chalet. Cause the view was too nice, we need to take photos.

Dinner at a near-by seafood restaurant (:

22nd Dec (Day 5): Negeri Sembilan
The next day was spend entirely in Port Dickson as well. Oh btw, I have fallen sick.
The entire night I have been sneezing & having blocked nose, throat was in pain too. Sucks.
Our first destination was to the museum. I can't remember which. Hehehe.

After the museum, we went for lunch, then Dad drove around & got lost, so we went back.
Since we have the entire afternoon, I took this opportunity to use the resort's facilities.
I soaked myself in the jacuzzi in hot water for hours. Shiok ttm!
After my hot bathe, I took a short nap. Wah, totally relaxing.
Woke up & got prepared once again to head out.
We went to explore other facilities in the resort like the swimming pool etc.
Then we stroll to the beach. Its quite disappointing though, the beach is very small.

After that we went back to the resort to play pool before going out for dinner.
We went back to the same seafood restaurant for dinner.
& tonight, the sea view was splendid. I get to see the sunset (:

After our dinner, we went back to the resort to rest early.
However, Bro & Dad rented fishing rods & they had overnight fishing.
Sad to say, they didn't caught anything. Oh well, as expected la.
I doubt fishes would swim over to a place with bright lights & many people right?

23rd Dec (Day 6): Negeri Sembilan - Johor Baru - Singapore
Awww... I feel so sad cause we're leaving this place already.
This is like, the best Best BEST place ever! I wna migrate to Malaysia & stay here!! Ugh!
Still, let's bid farewell to the awesome chalet we stayed in. Love you!

Today would be the last day of our Malaysia road trip. So we have to make full use of it.
We wanted to go over to the Ostrich Farm but when we arrived, it was closed due to wet weather.

However, we went to the light house instead. All these places were all very close to each other.
So it was only a few minutes drive.
But the sad thing is, we can't drive up to the light house, we have to park outside & walk in.
No, I should say hike. Cause it was up-slope. & its really steep. Can die.
Can you imagine walking 2km up steep slopes like this? All the way?

But when we finally reached, the sweat & muscle made it all worth it.
Cause the view from the top was awesome. It was fantastic.

Destination: Port Dickson to Air Hitam
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~3hours
Ok, another long ride. We arrived at some street to settle lunch.
The place is full of shop houses but not many people. This place is quite deserted.
& the only place we can settle our lunch is Mary Brown. My first time eating it (:
They have swings as their seats. So fun.
How I hope Singapore will have this in Macs or KFC :/

Destination: Air Hitam to Skudai
Distance traveled: Time taken: ~1hr 30mins
Since we're in Malaysia, we decided to drop-by our newly bought house in Malaysia.
My parents just bought a new house in Malaysia a few weeks ago, so we went to check it out.
Our apartment was still under construction, so here's the model of it. Excited to move in.

Our parents also had a short meet-up with the lawyers with regards of the house.
After that, we went to our relative's place which is just near-by.
My grandmother would be staying there until Mon, so we will drop her there.
We went to our relative's provision shop which is right beside their house,
& we saw this really really cute puppy! It wasn't my relatives, but their neighbours.
So cute! It's called 小白. & he's only 1 year old.

After leaving our relative's place, we went back to Sutera Utama for shopping! Yay!
I saw two really nice bags & wanted to buy but I already bought bags at Mine Shopping Centre ):
Hopefully I can find it in Singapore, but of course, it'll be more expensive.
We also settled for dinner near-by.
Btw, that area has famous Bak Kut Teh & Roasted Duck.
We settled for Roasted Duck. Hehehe. Yummeh~!

After dinner, we travel all the way back to Singapore!
But of course not forgetting the massive jam we faced.
We're stuck for about 45mins? But still, glad to be home (:
Home, sweet home ♥
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