Can you feel the love tonight~
Fyeah Mid-Sem Test's overrr! Wheeexz~!
I've been looking forward to this day ever since Sem 2.2 started. Time really flies.
Anyhoo, after the last paper today, I went home & then out again to meet Carline.
Today's Grandfather's death anniversary, so we went to Grandma's house together to pray.
Last night Mom told me that Sis & I was the closest Grandchild to my Grandfather.
Because ever since we were young, we've been staying at Grandp's place.
Grandfather often bring me to the playground or just downstairs to the coffee shop.
She also told me that at his death bed, I was only 2-year-old at that time.
& I told him "Ah Gong, you must faster recover ok? I buy fish for you to eat."
Now thinking about it, I really miss my Grandfather. Sigh...
On a happier note, I left Grandma's after dinner & meet Baby.
I'd be going on a roadtrip for a week, thus Baby spent the night with me. Awww... loves.
A few days ago, we've already planned for this night picnic at Sentosa. Hehehehe.
I know picnic at night at Sentosa sounds really crazy, but I had a great time with Baby.
I was a little disappointed when it rained in the evening. But thankfully the rain stopped.
We went to Giant to grab some food & off we go to Sentosa Island baby!

Exit Beach Station & was welcomed by this bedazzle of lights.
Omg, they're so pretty. I love Xmas decors!
We found a quiet spot, lay our mats, sat down & feast.
We also spent some quality time together having heart-to-heart talks.
Oh, we even planned for our next overseas trip in March. Star Cruise, can't wait! :D

After I snapped this photo & took a look, I burst out laughing when I saw Baby's face.
He didn't do it intentionally, he was actually chewing the chicken as I snap. Epic face.
Oh & did I mention? I brought my camera along but the battery was dying.
Despite bringing the spare battery, it was empty as well. What luck huh.
So the photos were taken half using my BB & half with camera.

Aftermath, we decided to walk around the island. Which was even crazier.
Oh btw, the spot we chose to settle down was perfect!
It was right in the middle of Wavehouse, & another place which had music blasting. Likea club only.
Wavehouse steady, anybody???
This was the end of Beach Station, so we took the tram back to the station & back to Vivo.
Once we reached, we saw fireworks. This is the second time we saw it tonight.
In Sentosa as we were sitting down & eating, we also saw fireworks right beside us.
I didn't take photo cause I was too overwhelmed, where got mood to dig out camera sia...
But here's a photo taken of the one we saw when we're at Vivo.
So I wasn't exaggerating ok! I used to think we can only see fireworks on festive seasons.
But I realize we can actually see fireworks every week.
Oh yes, the ginormous Xmas tree at Vvio's rooftop garden!
I thank God for this year, I wasn't spending another Xmas in another country.
I told Dad I HAVE to be back in Singapore this Xmas so he planned the trip accordingly. Hehe.
I'd be having Xmas countdown together with Vasantham Stars, can't wait!
The night was still young but I reckon I be home early to pack my luggage.
Omg, I have not packed yet Mom's gna kill me.
I had a hard time bidding Baby good-bye cause its almost impossible.
Why is good-byes always so difficult? Sigh... I'll miss you honeypie.
Please be careful while I was away ok? Take good care of yourself & don't ever skip meals.
Also, don't tire yourself out over projects. Sleep early every night k? Muacks!

Good-bye kiss.
Love, xoxo.
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