BLACK is the new BIG

Yep, so I went to catch this movie with Vasantham Stars tonight at The Cathay.
Before that Baby came over to my place & we just rot our day away.
We left the house at around 6pm to meet the rest.
While we're waiting for the movie to start, we were roaming around The Cathay
then we went into Prize Stage. All of us were just standing there & talking.
Standing beside the machine, its natural for me to press the machine & play with it, right?
But guess what? This China lady came over & scold me, saying "不要敲!", "Don't knock!" in English.
Wtf?? C'mon, I didn't even 敲 (bang) la, I was just using my fingers & pressing the buttons.
How would pressing the buttons using my fingers cause any damage to your God damn machine!??
This is ridiculous. Mel also kena scolded before me. For doing the same thing, hitting the buttons.
After both of us got scolded by her our group was laughing at her then she damn 不爽 us.
We just walked away, but she kept scolding & said "站住!"
But we just continued walking, & she continued scolding. Hahaha.
Then I heard her saying things like "没有家教..." blah blah blah. China people, really... Sigh.
About the movie, one word - hilarious. Ok maybe two, that'll be comical.
I laughed so damn hard in the cinema but I laughed even harder at the guy sitting behind me.
You know why? Cause the way he laugh is like he haven't laughed for years!
He laughed so loud & so hard, that everyone in the cinema turned & look. Walao.
I even wonder if he did it on purpose. Oh well...
Since all of us haven't had our dinner, we walked over to a Thai Cafe near NAFA for dinner.
The food was delicious! & its very cheap too!! Baby & Dan ordered a lot la!
Like, beehoon, kwaytiao, fried rice, kangkong, tomyam soup... Everything totals to $24 for 4 person!!
Countdown tomorrow @ My place! :D
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