GOOD-BYE, 2010; HELLO 2011!!
Time really flies. In the blink of an eye, 2010 has past.
It was as if last night I just spent the night with Vasantham Stars at Bugis counting down.
For the past 365days, I went through lots of things, experienced a lot & learnt a lot in life.
Some might have been over, but it would stay with me for life in my memory.
I love all the people who's stepped into my life this year. I wish them all the best.
Here's to sum up my 2010 -

♥ Once in a year 3E1/4E1 class gathering
We always had class gathering on new year, Idk why. This year also the same but, I wasn't free to go :/
♥ My birthday celebrations with Babies, Vasantham Stars & family

♥ My white-inked star tattoo (:
Which I didn't attach any photo cos I don't want to scare you off with the only picture I have of her (:
♥ Best CNY ever!
Best CNY as in, most ang-pow money.

♥ Boyboy & Girlgirl gave birth to 3 little babies
♥ First A9L03 Class Chalet
♥ Orientation Leadership Training Camp AY10/11
♥ Passed my Basic Theory Test (BTT)
♥ Week 0 Freshmen Orientation AY10/11
♥ Baby's Graduation Ceremony
♥ Got into Team Temasek Netball
♥ Got my Blackberry Bold 9700!! :DDD
♥ Baby's Prize Ceremony

♥ First A9L03 Class Chalet
♥ Orientation Leadership Training Camp AY10/11

♥ Passed my Basic Theory Test (BTT)
♥ Week 0 Freshmen Orientation AY10/11

♥ Baby's Graduation Ceremony
♥ Got into Team Temasek Netball
♥ Got my Blackberry Bold 9700!! :DDD
♥ Baby's Prize Ceremony
♥ Genting Trip with Vasantham Stars!


♥ Malaysia Road Trip with family
♥ Christmas with Vasantham Stars & Babies

♥ 2011 Countdown with Vasantham Stars
Last night Vasantham Stars came over to my place for BBQ & countdown for 2011.
Its really a pity we didn't took any photos. But we had great fun! :D
Another sad thing is, we didn't really countdown for 2011 la.
We didn't go "5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" No we didn't.
Cause we were outside at the car porch & we can't hear the TV despite opening the windows.
So after people countdown, we just lit up the sparkles & pop the champagne.
Oh btw, the champagne can't be popped too. Doggie-sad. But oh wells, we had fun still.
After BBQ, they played mahjong until 3am before leaving.
Ok, so here it goes. 2010 is over. & we're here living in 2011.
Everytime a new year kicks in, I'll wna start every single thing fresh from the start.
Like a brand new diet plan, saving plan, beauty regime or exercise regime. The list goes on.
I always feel that when the clock strikes 12, I need to start being the person I wna be in 2011.
& since its a new year, I would like to have some New Year's Resolution drafted out -
1. Save $1000 in 2011.
2. Stay focus on studies.
3. Be more sensible
Alright, so that's my list. I know its short but there are a few more which I shall keep to myself.
I hope everyone of you has something in mind which you wna improve on in this new year.
I wish you luck in achieving what you desire! (:
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