Thursday - 27th Jan 2011
Jingzhong's 21st Birthday
Today is Jz's official 21st birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!
Since he's already celebrated this birthday with his friends during the chalet, today he is all mine!
A few days ago he said he's gna bring me to somewhere on this very special day.
I thought he's gna bring me to somewhere sweet & romantic for a candlelight dinner or something.
I tried to guess with his clue, a place with 4 letter or 4 words. & the place closes at 4pm.
At first I guessed T.G.I.F., but it's wrong.
So I posted on Twitter asking everyone to help me guess. Nonsensical answers like
The Har Par Villa, Room, Home, came out. Tsk, rubbish people.
I guessed POSB as well but I thought it was rather stupid.
Later in the day after Jz dismissed from school, it was already 5pm T_T
So I didn't get to know which place he was gna bring me to.
In the end, he told me the answer & indeed, it was POSB =="
He wanted to open a joined account with me since very long ago, waiting for him to turn 21 only.
Anyway, we're still deciding which bank to use. Might be using CitiBank or UOB.
Anyway, we're still deciding which bank to use. Might be using CitiBank or UOB.
Anyway, he came to my house to pick me up before heading to Vivo for dinner.
Both of us were craving for Jap cuisine. Jz wanted to have Sushi Tei but I prepfer buffet.
So we went to Sakae Sushi instead. Cheap also what. Budget.
We also ordered main courses cause I want to eat salmon. I loveee SALMON.
After dinner we decided to go to a place to chill-outxz.
I wanted to go Henderson Wave but we don't know how to get there.
So Jz said he's bringing me to a place where we can chillax also.
He said that place can listen to the waves, watch the see & enjoy the breeze. Just what I liked (:
So we walked for about 10mins deep into this place called Keppel Bay.
The place was B-E-A-U-tiful. I all couples should go there to star-gaze.
Even with a group of friends, just buy a few bottles of drinks & just sit down & lepak also shiok.
We walked deeper in & I said I wanted to sit on the grass patch.
LOL. Machiam bangala hor? But the grass patch is so soft & comfortable.
There were a few other couples too hiding in dark little corners PDA-ing confirm.
While we were walking here I ask Jz where is he gna bring me to.
& he said "Bring you go rape la then." HAHAHAH!
There was this cruise which is departing from the harbour.
Omg it went really really close to the railing as if I can just leap onto the ship.
After spending such sweet moments with my love at this romantic place, we decided to call it a day.
Home, sweet home to count down to my birthday! :D
Friday - 28th Jan 2011
My 19th Birthday
Today's my birthday!! Its my last TEEN. But not really excited about it though.
Anyway, today was supposed to have reunion dinner together with Vasantham Stars,
but it was postponed to Mon cause I thought I'd be having dinner with my family.
In the end, I'd be having dinner with my family tomorrow instead, so my night is free.
So, I decided to go Henderson Wave tonight since we didn't get to go last night.
However, after flagging down 3 cabs, none is willing to bring us up there.
I was rather disappointed. But Jz brought me back to the same place we went last night - Keppel Bay.
This is the present Astiana gave me in school today.
Awww... that's very sweet of you babe! Love you x10000. Xoxo.
I brought the Famous Amos cookies together with other snacks along for a picnic. Heheh.
In the end we didn't even eat much. More of taking photos & crapping.
We spent lesser time here as compared to last night.
We decided to call it a day & go home early.
These are the presents I received for my birthday this year.
On the first night of Jz's chalet before we pick Dan & Mel up, Jz handed this to me.
Its's my 19th birthday present from him. Thank you Baby!!
Guess what is it(?)

I've always wanted a Coach wristlet & Jz bought them for me. I'm so happy!!

I also received this present form Glor during the chalet. Hehehe.
Its a wool scarf! Thank you babe! :D
During Marcus's birthday chalet, Mr Michael's girlfriend, Jacquelin, gave me this present.
She didn't know it was also my birthday during Jz's chalet. So she's giving me a belated present.
Lo & behold... the next present was also another big gift I received this year.
Thank you guys so much! I really didn't expect this from all of you. I'm so touched! :D
Last but not least, a friend I met during last year's OLTC gave me this T-Shirt.
He came to school & waited for me just to pass me this. Omg I am so touched!
Thank you so much Louis I love it so much!! It fits me nicely too (:
This birthday made me wonder what have I done to deserve such good friends.
I am really touched by every single thing they've did for me & gave me.
Thank you so much guys! I really appreciate everything. Love you!
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