@ Underwater World Singapore
(P/S; Since its V. Day, I have a V. Day special for the photos!)
It's Valentines Day people! Do you have anyone to celebrate it with?
If yes, how did you celebrate it? What did you receive? (:
If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you can jolly-well lock yourself at home & not go out.
Y'know I'm just joking right? I'm so full of love. Cheer-up! :D
Today is such a lovely day cause both Jz & I happen to dismiss early!
Usually I get to dismiss early on Mondays but not for Jz. His usual dismissal is 3pm(?)
But I don't know why for today he dismissed at 10am, even earlier than me.
Alright, so we've already discussed & decided long ago where we're gna celebrate V. Day.
However, we totally forgot about where to dine, so last minute while on the way home from school
we discussed & decided to go to New York New York for lunch.
Before I went out, I checked & my camera was out of battery!
The camera is a MUST to bring to the place we're going.
So I brought out my charger out too, hoping NYNY allows me to borrow their pluck :x
Sure enough, I asked the manager & he helped me charge my camera. Haha.
We proceeded to ordering our food. Its been a long long time since I last dine in NYNY.
The last time & first time I ate in NYNY was a few years ago at AMK Hub.
It was a bad experience cause I had mosquito bites all over my legs! About 6 of them on each leg.
YES! I don't understand how mosquitoes will exist in air-conditioned place. I never went back.
Lover's Sunset for our drinks.
Which sucks? It taste like overly-fermented beer. Really. I drank a sip & stick to plain water.

After taking our order the manager came & gave us a candy floss. Haha.
Idk if this is the norms but it definitely adds an element to V. Day.
Jz's Grilled Chicken. It doesn't taste nice. Garlic taste very strong.
I ate half of it cause its our habit to swap our food & try each other's,
after eating it my breadth stinks! Drink 2 glasses of water also no use.
My Dory Fish. Which also sucks cause its VERY watery. Can see a layer of water below.
& the fish is so chewy & hard its not like what its supposed to be. Booo~!
At the end of it all we walked out of NYNY $40 poorer, stomach still half empty.
Of course, our impression for NYNY has tarnished. Never will we come back.
Pay $40 for sucky food & not even filling!? What is this!??
I even have to buy another box of salmon sushi to fill my stomach. Another $2.10.
Aftermath, we took the train to Harbourfront, then to Sentosa.

On the tram towards Beach Station. Can guess where we going now?? (:
I think the last time I came to UWS was more than 10years ago during my childhood days.
I even thought UWS has closed down already. Haven't heard of it for donkey years.
This V. Day, I want to spent it here with my beloved boyf. (:

Before I went out of the house I have already gone to the UWS website to check on the timings.
When we entered UWS, just nice it was the timing for Meet-the-Dolphins session.
I was surprised it was full-house in Dolphin Lagoon. It was a Monday dude!
Ok, so weekdays are dedicated to foreigners.
Oh btw, I saw a lot of couples wearing couple shirt too.
Imagine Jz & I wearing couple shirt, I won't dare to go out of the house. But we should try(?)
Lo & Behold...
After the show, we toured around UWS.
I can roughly remember what's in UWS but I'm not sure if there's much changes over these years.
A pool of sharks for us to see. Why are they so small?
After that we walked down to see all the aquariums. Lots of beautiful sea creatures.

I think this is called the Leafy Seahorse.
A tank full of jelly-fishes. They're so graceful.

Giant octopus. Jz called it Paul.

The smaller octopus.
Then there's this crab section where all the crabs were.

This is called the Coconut Crab. Which no doubt, look like a coconut shell.

I didn't see what's the name of this crab but Jz said its called the Rainbow Crab.
I thought rainbows have 7 colours. But this crab only has 2. Doesn't suit the name.

The Lightning Crab. I guess its because of its electric-blue spots?
I thought the blue thing was its eye until Jz have to correct me that crab's eye were in front.
I have my blond moments too.

The Decorating Crab. I saw this on Discover Channel before.
Its amazing how it camouflages itself.
Then we stepped onto the infamous revolving belt into the tunnel.
Jz said when he was in childcare he slept in the tunnel before. Which I think is kinda cool?
Imagine sleeping & there's lots of fishes swimming above you.
Idk if they used magnifying effects on the viewing glass or what.
The fishes looked enormously big! Like, really that big meh?

We exited the place & went upstairs to the main gallery.
My mood was a little dampened with all the Primary school kids running around -.-"
Here's a tank of mini stingrays for us to touch. But they were all so far in, can't reach.
I remembered last time there used to be a tank full of Starfishes where we can carry them out & play.
But I don't see anymore leh. Where are they? I was looking forward to it ):
This long, thin, attractive thing is called the Garden Eel. I think its looks fake.
Believe it or not, the embryo inside are actually alive!
I went forward & took a closer look. It is really swimming & struggling like baby foetus.
I bet you guys didn't see this before. Cause its the first time I'm seeing it too!
Its called the Sea Angel. Its really small, smaller than my pinky's nail.
The photo I've taken is blurred because its so small, I have to zoom x infinity.
Wna see how it looks like irl? I've Googled it. It looks like this...
Cute right!? I know this photo looks like a cartoon but trust me, its looks like this irl.
Sis said it looks more like devil cause of the horns. LOL. I agree.
Awww~ I wna keep a tank of Sea Angels on my study table! They're so adorable!! :/
Alright, where was I...
There are a few tanks with gaps where we can stick our hands in to touch the fish.
There was once when I wanted to put my hand in, a fish swam out! Amazing! :D
Next, the tank with giant Stingrays.

Jz placed his hand in & touched it.
The funny thing is, the stingrays will purposely swim to the surface & let you touch. So friendly?
I didn't dare to touch them. Jz held my hands to touch them once. Their skin is really soft & spongy.
Soon, it was the Fur Seals LIVE show.
Jz said the Fur Seal show is nicer than the Dolphin Show but I think the Dolphin show more special.
The Fur Seal show like always the same. We watched it in Singapore Zoo so many times.
Even when I was in Hongkong, its the same kind of show. Nothing new.
Unlike the Dolphins, how often do you get to see dolphins, really. PINK dolphins.
We exited UWS & found the Turtle Pool.
Wow, I thought the Turtle pool is gna be full of Terappins or something.
But there were really GIANT Sea Turtles.
As we were walking out of UWS, we saw lots of Peacocks & Peahens.
What I found fascinating was, there are babies too! First time seeing it.
It was around 6pm as we left UWS as well as Sentosa. The weather is bloody hot.
Jz came over to my house for dinner.
This is not the end of my V. Day!
Later in the night Dad wanted to watch 大世界. So my whole family went, including Jz.
Its a really funny show with a lot of different dialects.
Good thing I understand dialects, otherwise the show will be meaningless. I laughed like mad.
I am so glad I am able to spend my V. Day with my loved ones - boyf & family <3
Oh yes, wna know what we got each other for V. Day??? (:
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Its a BENTO!!
I spent hours doing it, but guess what? Jz "swallowed" them in 5mins -.-"
Jz also got me a present. Yes its flowers, but not quite the same as what people usually receive.
Cause.. mine wasn't in a bouquet. Mine was a potted plant!!
Cause Jz said its a waste of money to buy a bouquet of flowers & seeing it die after a few days.
So he bought a small potted plant instead. So that I will be able to see it BLOOM instead.
I think the last time I came to UWS was more than 10years ago during my childhood days.
I even thought UWS has closed down already. Haven't heard of it for donkey years.
This V. Day, I want to spent it here with my beloved boyf. (:

Before I went out of the house I have already gone to the UWS website to check on the timings.
When we entered UWS, just nice it was the timing for Meet-the-Dolphins session.
I was surprised it was full-house in Dolphin Lagoon. It was a Monday dude!
Ok, so weekdays are dedicated to foreigners.
Oh btw, I saw a lot of couples wearing couple shirt too.
Imagine Jz & I wearing couple shirt, I won't dare to go out of the house. But we should try(?)
Lo & Behold...
After the show, we toured around UWS.
I can roughly remember what's in UWS but I'm not sure if there's much changes over these years.
A pool of sharks for us to see. Why are they so small?
After that we walked down to see all the aquariums. Lots of beautiful sea creatures.
The Giant Spider Crab.
I think this is called the Leafy Seahorse.

A tank full of jelly-fishes. They're so graceful.

Giant octopus. Jz called it Paul.
The smaller octopus.
Then there's this crab section where all the crabs were.
This is called the Coconut Crab. Which no doubt, look like a coconut shell.
I didn't see what's the name of this crab but Jz said its called the Rainbow Crab.
I thought rainbows have 7 colours. But this crab only has 2. Doesn't suit the name.
The Lightning Crab. I guess its because of its electric-blue spots?
I thought the blue thing was its eye until Jz have to correct me that crab's eye were in front.
I have my blond moments too.
The Decorating Crab. I saw this on Discover Channel before.
Its amazing how it camouflages itself.
Then we stepped onto the infamous revolving belt into the tunnel.
Jz said when he was in childcare he slept in the tunnel before. Which I think is kinda cool?
Imagine sleeping & there's lots of fishes swimming above you.

Idk if they used magnifying effects on the viewing glass or what.
The fishes looked enormously big! Like, really that big meh?

We exited the place & went upstairs to the main gallery.
My mood was a little dampened with all the Primary school kids running around -.-"
Here's a tank of mini stingrays for us to touch. But they were all so far in, can't reach.
I remembered last time there used to be a tank full of Starfishes where we can carry them out & play.
But I don't see anymore leh. Where are they? I was looking forward to it ):
This long, thin, attractive thing is called the Garden Eel. I think its looks fake.
Believe it or not, the embryo inside are actually alive!
I went forward & took a closer look. It is really swimming & struggling like baby foetus.
I bet you guys didn't see this before. Cause its the first time I'm seeing it too!
Its called the Sea Angel. Its really small, smaller than my pinky's nail.
The photo I've taken is blurred because its so small, I have to zoom x infinity.
Wna see how it looks like irl? I've Googled it. It looks like this...

Cute right!? I know this photo looks like a cartoon but trust me, its looks like this irl.
Sis said it looks more like devil cause of the horns. LOL. I agree.

Awww~ I wna keep a tank of Sea Angels on my study table! They're so adorable!! :/
Alright, where was I...

There are a few tanks with gaps where we can stick our hands in to touch the fish.
There was once when I wanted to put my hand in, a fish swam out! Amazing! :D
Next, the tank with giant Stingrays.

Jz placed his hand in & touched it.
The funny thing is, the stingrays will purposely swim to the surface & let you touch. So friendly?
I didn't dare to touch them. Jz held my hands to touch them once. Their skin is really soft & spongy.
Soon, it was the Fur Seals LIVE show.
Jz said the Fur Seal show is nicer than the Dolphin Show but I think the Dolphin show more special.
The Fur Seal show like always the same. We watched it in Singapore Zoo so many times.
Even when I was in Hongkong, its the same kind of show. Nothing new.
Unlike the Dolphins, how often do you get to see dolphins, really. PINK dolphins.
We exited UWS & found the Turtle Pool.
Wow, I thought the Turtle pool is gna be full of Terappins or something.
But there were really GIANT Sea Turtles.

As we were walking out of UWS, we saw lots of Peacocks & Peahens.
What I found fascinating was, there are babies too! First time seeing it.
It was around 6pm as we left UWS as well as Sentosa. The weather is bloody hot.
Jz came over to my house for dinner.
This is not the end of my V. Day!
Later in the night Dad wanted to watch 大世界. So my whole family went, including Jz.

Its a really funny show with a lot of different dialects.
Good thing I understand dialects, otherwise the show will be meaningless. I laughed like mad.
I am so glad I am able to spend my V. Day with my loved ones - boyf & family <3
Oh yes, wna know what we got each other for V. Day??? (:
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Its a BENTO!!

I spent hours doing it, but guess what? Jz "swallowed" them in 5mins -.-"
Jz also got me a present. Yes its flowers, but not quite the same as what people usually receive.
Cause.. mine wasn't in a bouquet. Mine was a potted plant!!
Cause Jz said its a waste of money to buy a bouquet of flowers & seeing it die after a few days.
So he bought a small potted plant instead. So that I will be able to see it BLOOM instead.
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