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So we've finally stepped into the year of the rabbit (a bit late). Not gna say any special blessings or auspicious words cause every year is the same. This year, I was a little reluctant for CNY cause I just don't feel the mood. Ok, maybe I was looking forward to the red packets only. The thing I dread most was to squeeze in the malls to buy clothes! Then you'll realize half of the girls your age wore the same thing on CNY. Especially when I was so busy preparing for Jz's 21st birthday previously. Really no time. So I was really happy when I can buy all 3 dresses at a very low price at the same time! No need to keep going to town to buy clothes. Waste time sia. Alright, here's my CNY in a nutshell...
初一 - 03rd February 2011
This is my outfit for 初一. I'm prepared to go 拜年!! :D 1. Grandma's/5th Uncle (Maternal) The same for every single year, the first house would be my maternal Grandma's. & depending on where she's staying. She live in Bedok but sometimes she'll shift to my Uncle's. ![]() |
Bro with his first 红包. Whoops, caught me eating Cheng Teng in the background :x

My 93-year-old Grandma (:

Lots of CNY goodies spread over the table. Yummeh~
2. Yi Sum Poh (Paternal)
Same thing for every year. After Grandma's house would be Yi Sum's house.

What's with my expression, really.

She live very high up. This is the view from her living room. Nice!!

3. 3rd Grand Uncle (Paternal)
I like to go to their house cause my GrandUncle & GrandAunt are very funny.
This year there was something special. Their GrandDaughter, Yun Ying, is so cute!
Every year when we visit their house, Yun Ying would be crying & throwing tantrums.
But now she's a grown-up. She's came to play & talk to us.

4. Ah Keong Uncle
He's not my relative. Just my Dad's friend.
Did I mention? His son is suuuper handsome!! I had a crush on him since I was young omg.
As he grows older, he's getting more & more manly, more & more handsome!!
(Ok Baby, you didn't see this right? I still love you the most. Hearts.)
5. 4th Uncle (Maternal)
Every year we'd also go to my 4th Uncle's place at night.
I think it's like this cycle thing. Every year is the same.

Later in the night. All my maternal relative came to my house.
My Aunt told us that today is my cousin, Wanlin's birthday.
Mom being such a clown, went to use a candle & poke onto the Kuay Lapis & brought it out for her.
Everyone was laughing away. What a nice cake huh...

After my relatives left I watched 老师嫁老大 before going to bed.
That's how my Day 1's spent (:
初二 - 04th February 2011
Woke up pretty early & prepared for another day of visitations. What's new, right?
I've been looking forward to CNY Day 2 cause it's always full of fun! (:
6. 3rd GrandAunt (Paternal)
I use to love going to her house cause there's lots of animals.
There's this huge fish tank with big fishes & also other animals like rabbits.
But this year, I can't find any of them in their backyard anymore ):
All her sons live together with her in this big bungalow I think 3 stories.
& all her grandchildren were super naughty. When we reached, they kept tugging at my Dad.
I think ever since that day we attended a wedding dinner together, they think my Dad's a clown.

7. 3rd GrandUncle (Paternal)

8. 4th GrandAunt (Paternal)
My GrandAunt live right beside my GrandUncle so we just need to go next day.
Good right? No need to travel here & there got so many 红包 to take already (:
9. 1st GrandUncle / GrandAunt
Photo taken with our cousins. Actually they're my Dad's cousin's kids.
So indirectly, they're our cousins too. Hahaha!
Anyway, great seeing them over the new year (:

10. 2nd Uncle (Maternal)
Grandma stayed behind at GrandAunt's place while the rest of us went to my uncle's.
Idkw but his CNY goodies were damn nice! I kept eating non-stop.
I feel like asking them if I can bring some home. HAHAHA.
11. 1st Uncle (Maternal)
My 1st Uncle live right opposite my 2nd Uncle's block. So we walked over.
This is the fun part cause every year, we'd come over to my 1st Uncle's place with all the others.
They would prepare sumptuous lunch for us. This year was hot-plate cum steamboat.
Yums~! I sat down & I think I ate half a box of salmon. *whoops!
After that in the afternoon when all my cousins came, the gambling started.
All of them played Black Jack but Jh & I played Monopoly Deal. I keep winning sia. So sad :x
In the evening, Jh sent me together with Bro & my maid home cause I am going out at night.
Before I leave, I had my second round of steamboat. Cause my cousins specially prepared pig's stomach for me cause I said I want. If I don't eat & leave, like so bad right?
After I got home, I waited for Jz to come & off we go to our friend's house!!
12. Jiamin
Yep! So we have already set to come to Jm's house long before CNY.
Main purpose is to come here for steamboat as well as gamble again. Wakakakakas.
Yes, I know its my third round of steamboat. I am a pig but its CNY...!

It's gambling time~~~!

Gambled & home-sweet-home at 1am.
初三 - 05th February 2011
Before we went out of the house, my Dad said "Esther, I want to test your driving skill."
Alright, so I drove all the way from my house to my Aunt's place in Tampines.
It was my first time driving the Nissan but I think its must better than the 7-seater.

Bro ask me to give an expression of after-driving.
So I gave this face to portray how worried/nervous I am :/
13. 1st Aunt (Maternal)
We went up, sat for around 10mins, then we move off again.
All of us will be going to the same house next. & that is...
14. 3rd Aunt (Maternal)
Once again, I drove. It wasn't that bad la. I think I am a pretty good driver.
Oh btw, my horoscope says that this year I have to avoid driving.
Especially when it comes to speeding or drink-driving.
Meh~ I just got my license you ask me to avoid driving(!!!)
Parking the car...

As usual, another retarded face.
We went up to my Aunt's place for lunch. Good thing is, there's my favourite food!
After lunch we gathered in the living room & started Black Jack. I won $3.
After lunch we loh-hei. Its so fun tossing the food around. That's the only time we can play with food.
We had something light for dinner & off we go.
15. 1st Uncle (Paternal)
In the night, we went over to my Uncle's.
Idkw but this is my family's tradition. We MUST go to everyone's house. Sigh...
Yep, so we went ALL the way to Woodlands to my Uncle's house & sat for 30mins(?) & left.
16. 2nd Uncle (Paternal)
Since my 2nd Uncle is also staying in Woodlands, we went over to visit too.
Sat for like 15mins & left -.-"
17. Shannon
While I was on my way to my 1st Uncle's, Mel & Jz have been spam calling me & texting me,
asking me if I wna go over to Shannon's (Dan's cousin) to play.
I was hesitating cause it was rather late already. Since my parents let me go, I went (:
I won a little in Black Jack. Hehehe.
In the night I was feeling hungry so I asked around to see if they wna order Mac.
So Charlene, Mel & I went out to buy Macs for all of them. "Urine" uncle treat (inside joke).
When we were walking over to the car, 3 of us kept screaming cause of 1 cockroach.
I think I was the worst cause the cockroach went onto my slippers. I kicked it off but it didn't go.
So I just kept screaming & kicking my slippers around. Wtf. 2 man behind us were watching.
Then, as we wanted to walk into the car park, a random man suddenly jumped in front of us & said
"Who's your God?" All 3 of us went "Huh~??"
Then he said "I'm your God~!" 3 of us looked at each other & ran off. LOL! Epic sia.
Ok so Mac supper was delicious. We ordered like 60 nuggets & a lot of meals to share.
I think it was $60 worth of Mac. But, it's still not enough for all the hungry monsters.
初四 - 06th February 2011
No, today I didn't went visiting. Instead, Dan, Mel, Jz, Weien & I went town to shop.
The guys suddenly wna buy clothes so we went with them lor. Heheh.
We went to lots of places like Bugis Village, Orchard 313, Heeren, Ion etc.

At Heeren.
The guys were looking at clothes in AlX. We're too bored so we took a photo. CLASSIC!

At Ion Orchard. In the toilet.

Weien wanted to buy a watch from Fossil. Choose for the whole day still haven't decide -.-"
In the end, he bought it la. Haha.
We also went into TopShop cause Jz wna buy jeans & tops. So mafun.
I think the guys shop worst than us. They take super long to change, chose, makeup their mind.
At the end of the day, the guys land themselves with these loots...

Weien admiring his newly bought watch. Haha.
Aftermath, we went to Chomp Chomp to have dinner. Yummeh~!
初九 - 11th February 2011
18. Layhoe
After school we're supposed to go to Keppel Bay for a night picnic with Ash & Lh.
But it rained out of a sudden in the evening. Meh~ So sucky.
So we changed the plan to gambling at Lh's together with Lm & Gr. As well as Lh's mom.
I feel so paiseh cause we went there without mandarin oranges but Lh's mom still gave us 红包.
Ok I lost $8 in Black Jack. I was winning at first. I think I won like, $10? Then I lost again -.-"
Aftermath the 4 big gamblers played mahjong. Jz is the biggest winner. He win all 3.
He won a total of $17. But being so kind & generous, he only asked for $3 each, to pay back my loss.
That's very sweet! :D
初十 - 12th February 2011
19. GrandMa (maternal)
I know I 拜年 with my Grandma on the very first day but that is at my Uncle's place.
Idkw my family's so strict. They must go to the house. So we went lor.
Anyway got good food what. My 1st Aunt cooked Mee Siam hehehe. I ate 2 bowls.
Other than Mee Siam there is also my favourite Bak Kut Teh as well as Cheng Teng.
Oh yes, not forgetting the fruit salad too. I ate all of them, Yum tum tum~!
初十一 - 13th February 2011
20. Danny
Other than going to relative & friend's house, this year I also went to my classmate's house.
First we went to Danny's house. We played Murder & Indian Poker.
We played 3 rounds of Murderer, where all 3 rounds, I'm the murderer.
Can you imagine I blink my eye or raise my eyebrows until my eye going to cramp already.
& the worst thing is, when I raise my brows or blink, the person don't know I was killing him/her!
Ugh! I have to blink like damn hard la. Which, is quite obvious. I scared I kena cuaght.
Indian Poker was fun I won 2 times (:

I think our class should have this every year. It is so fun!
Not only do we experience cultural exchange, we also get to see each other dressed up in their costume!
I think its pretty cool. I hope I'd be able to visit their house during Hari Raya (:
Special thanks to Danny's sis, Eileen, for helping us to take photos (: She's super nice.
Next all of them went to Alvis's house.
Me, I went home as I have to go to my relative's house in the night for dinner ):
21. 4th Uncle (Paternal)
A spread lay across the dining table as we arrived.
I immediately sat down & started eating. It's all my favourite food!
Sambal prawns, fried chicken wings, fried nuggets, bak kut teh, loklok...
After that we also loh-hei (:
Here mark's the end of my Chinese New Year.
I hope everyone had fun! :D
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