Reunion Dinner
w Vasantham Stars
Chinese New Year is reaching soon! Before our busy visitations kicks in,
we decided to meet up & have dinner together. Therefore, reunion dinner!
It was supposed to be last Fri on my birthday
but I thought my family would be celebrating my birthday so last minute I told Mel I can't.
In the end my Dad's working late so I'm free again, but Dan & Mel's not free. Haha.
Btw, last Sat my family & Jz celebrated my birthday at House of Crabs.
Yum tum tum~ Thinking of the crabs now makes me salivate.
After school, Jz came to my house to pick me before meeting the rest in town.
We were supposed to meet at 6pm but I left house at 6pm. Naise one (Y)
We walked over to Golden Mile cause we're gna eat the steamboat chicken rice again(!!)
The place was packed with people, all having reunion dinner & loh-hei. LOL!
Only the 6 of us were there, Marcus & Weien would meet us later as they're having NAPFA.
So we booked a table & waited for them to come. While waiting, I studied for my BPhar Quiz -.-"

We saw other people loh-hei so we also ordered a plate to loh-hei.

We don't know what are the auspicious words to say when we loh-hei,
so this lady helped us say. Haha. When we loh-hei, all we said was "Huat ah! Huat ah! Huat ah! ..."

huat ah~!!!

Huat ah~!!!


Omg I stole all the salmons cause I love them to the core :x
Everyone elses eat the crackers only. They don't like salmon.
The others, toss them aside la, zhor teng! Hahah.

After loh-hei,, its steamboat time! Nor forgetting the chicken rice.
It was already 9pm when we started our dinner. By then, the chicken already oos ):
So its just chicken rice without chicken D:

After our dinner, Mel handed me a present that Vasantham Stars bought for me.
Yes! Now I have 2 Coach wristlets. Haha.Actually, I already know that they're getting me one la.
Cause Jz told me that night after he gave me the Coach wristlet from him.
He said Mel & him got the wristlets together. Same design & colour somemore,
just that Mel bought hot pink in colour, the one I wanted. Jz bought baby pink.
Knowing that they got the same, Mel went back to the boutique to change another one.
Hahahahaha! Sorry for all the trouble dear, love you the most!
Thank you Dan, Marcus, Melissa, Nigel & Weien! ♥

LOL! Weien took out his $1000 & I posed with it. Haha.

Happy New Year, Vasantham Stars!
May all of us be blessed with fortune, good health & happiness.
May all the couples be 甜甜蜜蜜, & all the singles to 加油! :D
May all the couples be 甜甜蜜蜜, & all the singles to 加油! :D
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