Happy 21st Birthday

I know I shouldn't be using this photo. Instead I should just use a nicer picture.
But since this was taken during your party so I thought it's authentic. Haha.
& it was a Beer Party so I insert wine bottles inside the photo. Hehe.
& it was a Beer Party so I insert wine bottles inside the photo. Hehe.
Here's wishing you a happy happy 21st birthday! You're finally a free girl now.
All the best for your future endeavors & may you succeed in everything you do.
Do well in U & of course, find the right partner & faster marry off already!! Haha!
You've always been a good Sister to me even though we may bicker sometimes.
I am so happy & lucky to have you as a roommate & as a friend. Love ya! ♥
Early in the morning I woke up, went to Jz's house to meet him for a short while.
After I left, I walked over to Vin's house (which is a few blocks away) to get polaroid camera.
I also went to Hougang Mall to get a notebook & polaroid films.
I intend to hand-make a Guest Book for her to paste the polaroid films & for her friends to write stuff.
When I got home, I started on the work.
I bought this Hello Kitty notebook (she don't like HK) so I have to cover it up.
That purple patch is to paste her photograph.
Isn't it pretty?? *self-praise*
I suck in art since I was a kid. My art have never been an A. The only time is when Mom helped me.
Now look! I think I am a late-bloomer. Haha! I am artistically-inclined afterall (:

Next I proceeded on decorating the wall for photo-taking.
It was my idea to use the interior garden for photo-taking cause the brick wall is so nice.
So I printed out the alphabets & pasted them on the wall, with the help of Jz.
He helped to stick the banner above the "HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY".
I think I should be given the most credit for decorations cause I did most of 'em.
I also went out to buy all the materials needed, all the party-poppers, banners, etc. Hardwork...

While I was home doing the decorations & Mom's in the kitchen preparing the food,
Dad, Bro & Sis went out to collect the customized birthday cake as well as the helium balloons.
A total of 20 yellow & blue balloons & 1 white balloon. These 3 colours are the theme for today (:
It was close to 7pm & the first guest to arrive (other than Jz) was Aunty&Family.

The guys getting the BBQ started... I'm famished!!
Btw, throughout the night it was Bro & Jz doing the BBQ. Thank you guys! (:
Ok, just look at the pictures ya?
They were all Sis & her friends. A lot of her friends came. I think about 50(?)
The whole night I was busy entertaining myself by eating, irritating my cousin, more eating...
Also, like I said it was a Beer Party. So everyone's drinking beer & getting red & drunk.
You can see from the photos that the reddest was actually Sis. She can't take alcohol, really.
I thought she drank a few bottles that's why she's so red. But she said she only had 1. (Whut!??)


Her cake looks nice ya? (:
Its not a cake actually, its chocolate. When you cut open, you can't find cake.

It looks rather nice though (:

I bought 1 whole box of 72 party-poppers at only $5+.
So we just kept spamming the party-poppers at her. Look at how she "siam" all the confetti. Haha!

After cutting the cake, most of them left cause they're going somewhere else I think.
A few of Sis's friends stay-behind. Mostly her secondary school clique.
Yep. & I went to bathe & sleep. Hahaha. Tired leiii.
Birthday presents she received.
Bro, Jz & I shared to buy that SK necklace for her. Hope she will like it.
BBQ again later... *inserts sian face*
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