What a lazy Monday... *yawns*
Jo came to my house in the afternoon & we spent it reading blogs (or rather see pictures only),
gossiping & eating(?). Oh we got watch videos too.
After that Mel talked to me on MSN & asked me if Jz & I interested in watching movie
she is watching Gnomeo & Juliet with Dan. So yep, we joined. Kinda last minute decision.
At 630pm they came to pick me up & I bid good-bye to my Babygirl Jo.
Off we go to Bishan to catch this cute little movie I've been wanting to watch (:

It was a suuuperrr duuuper cute movie!
Small wonder why the cinema is packed with people from all ages. Haha!
My favourite characters are the mushroom, the gnome with the hot kinky pink swimsuit & the flamingo.
I don't always like the lead in movies cause they are leads for a reason.
But it takes a sub-lead to attract the attention of the viewers.
So I think the aforementioned characters are the best!! (Y)
After movie, we head to somewhere near Kovan for porridge.
Dan & Mel have not had their dinner & the soon-to-be-sick Dan wants to eat porridge.
I think the guys damn gay. They everything also together. Even fall sick also together -.-"
Though I had dinner before movie, Jz & I also ordered a bowl of porridge to share.
Oh my God. I should really stop all these eating frenzy. I've been eating at least 4meals a day.
This is bad. I need to stop. Sigh... *depressed*
Work tomorrow. Good-night!
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