Vasantham Stars @ Pulau Ubin
During IT Show, we talked about Pulau Ubin cause I told 'em I was going with the school.
So we organized this outing with Vasantham Stars. Hehe.
I woke up early in the morning at 630am to give Jz wake up call.
He's coming over to my house to help me make sandwiches for them to bring over to Ubin.
We're making tuna & egg mayo sandwiches.
Mom helped me make the tuna fillings before she went to the cemetery to pay respect to Grandpa.
I was supposed to go too, but since I'm going out with my friends, I'm excused (:
After making the sandwiches, we went to Hougang Mall to meet the rest.
Glor & Marcus would not be meeting us for breakfast, so the rest of us went ahead.
Initially we're taking bus to Changi Point Ferry Terminal. But Weien will be riding, so Dan drove.
Hehehe! First time seeing Weien ride motorbike. Kinda cool (:
After picking up Glor & Marcus, off we go to Changi Point Ferry Terminal!! :DDD
Btw, pardon my photos cause I did not put make-up today. Not even sun-screen!! *yikes!

In the car changing from slippers to shoes. I don't dare to cycle with slippers on.

Everyone's getting ready as well.
I'm all prepped-up & full-geared for the expedition!!

The guys spamming on suntan lotion after learning their lesson.
That time after their soccer they were so burnt, their skin peeled like siao.
Nigel applied on his nose & mustache especially, cause his skin peeled at those areas. So funny.

Collecting money for the ferry ride. $2.50/pax, single-trip only.
Finally we're on board the ferry!!
Good-bye, Singapore! :D

The weather was great! Took lotsa sceneric shots as we climbed to the top.

Glor & Marcus inside the ferry.

Nigel wearing his shoes in the ferry.

This is the happiest photo of Weien I've ever seen. BE HAPPY! :D

The ferry anchored & we're at Pulau Ubin island!!

A group shot before we start-off the day!
The last time I came to Pulau Ubin was with my family I think when I was still in Primary school.
Back then, the ferry ride was only $2. & there's only 1 or 2 bicycle rental shops.
Now, ferry ride increased to $2.50 & there were LOTS of bicycle rental shops.
We had a hard time finding good bicycles at cheaper price. Then we realized they're about the same.
When Shop A doesn't have the bicycle we want, they take from Shop B -.-"
When Shop A doesn't have the bicycle we want, they take from Shop B -.-"

Finally settled for our bicycles, ready to go!
Everyone pose with their bicycles first...

At first Jz insisted that we ride the 2-pax bicycle cause he say I'll be a burden to him.
But I didn't like the idea cause I don't want him to burden me. Hahaha.

We cycled for awhile, making lots of detour, riding through trials, narrow paths etc.
Until we're really tired, we found place to rest & decided to stop for a drink.
There were also lots of mosquitoes, like what Sis has warned me.
Most of them kena lots of mozzie bites. Haha. Thank God I brought mosquito repellent (:
Then we continued our journey, going through lots of up slopes & enjoying the down slopes.
We found another place to stop-over for a rest.

Jz was hungry already so we took out the sandwiches we made.
Everyone took a piece & munch it away. I don't know they like it or not :/
My first time making egg mayo sandwiches. But my Mom's tuna was to die for!

The view was awesome. So we took some photos over here.

There's a total of 8 of us. 3 of us are couples, so left these 2 single men.
We call them the gay brothers. But true enough, they wore couple-tee today!!
See, even their pose also the same. Haha. Wah, so much chemistry seh.

A danger sign posted near the fence.
I think the men in the photo looks quite happy hor?? Looks like fun more than danger.

Ernie being emo, he went over the fence. He said he sensed something moving in there.
Next moment, we saw something floating across the water bed. I looks like a crocodile, really.
But I think its not. I think its maybe Komodo Dragon or Monitor Lizard.
Singapore where got crocodile in the wild de!??

From the start, Dan put the towel over Mel. From then on we called her SuperWoman! Haha.
We rode back to the jetty to the bicycle rental cause some of our bikes got problem.
Thus, Jz & I changed to the 2-pax bicycle to try it out. Dan & Mel also.
Jz's wish has finally came true. We're riding on the 2-pax bicycle now. To be honest, it was fun! :D
But it takes great coordination & communication to be able to keep it going smoothly.
I think Jz & I not bad, we have great chemistry! (Y)

Sometimes as we were riding halfway, I will lift up my legs to rest while Jz do the work.
Sometimes as I was riding, I felt the bicycle becoming heavier, then I realize Jz's legs are up.
This bicycle was great! Can take turns to rest.
Behind got basket for us to put our stuff somemore. No need to burden Jz to carry my heavy bag.

Nigel & Weien borrowed our bike to try it out. They failed as a couple luh.
They can't keep it moving smoothly & keep having jerks. HAHA!
We cycled using another route & we found another beautiful place...

Look at the view! It was so nice!!
Oh no, the sky looks kinda dark :/

It started to drizzle right after we took group photos.
So we quickly pick up our bicycle & off to look for shelter.
Halfway through, the chain of our bicycle came off & at the same time, the rain became heavier.
So suay. We're stuck in the rain fixing the chain. But I did hold the umbrella to cover us.
Once its fixed, Marcus came & brought us over the the shelter they found.

We took shelter at a small pavilion in the resort. We're all drenched.

Omg, this photo is really chui ttm. Look at how wet we are!
Seriously like 落汤鸡 sia.

There were game machines in the pavilion so the guys tried to play with it without paying.
They keep plugging & unplugging the machines, switching the power on & off. Haiyo!
In the end also never get to play. So we decided to move off since the rain was smaller.
The minute we picked up our bicycle & cycled a short distance, the rain poured down on us.
Thank God there's shelter right beside us for us to park our bicycles.
Then we took our belongings & walked into the resort's cafe.

It should be a beautiful place to rest & take some photos but stupid rain, come at this time.

The guys took out their cards & started playing Dai Di.
Marcus also brought along his deck of Cluedo cards to play.
Only the guys play, we girls just watch them, or rest. I tried sleeping but I was freezing! *Brrr~~!

We were a little hungry so we ordered finger-food.
This basket of French Fries cost $4. We ordered 2 baskets.

I'm so cold, Jz pulled his clean shirt over me to keep me warm. Haha.

It's getting late & the sky is clearing. So we grab this chance to head back to the jetty.
It was still pouring, but not so heavily. The roads were full of puddles of water. *splash!
On the ferry back to Singapore, everyone just sat there & stoned. All too tired to say anything.
The rain stopped & the sky cleared. It was quite a splendid view.
Back in Singapore, we wash-up & changed out of our soiled clothes, freshen-up &...
camwhore in the toilet (as usual).

This is the second transport our clique has - Weien's motorbike.
Its so funny seeing the 2 "couple" on the bike. They always do stupid things.
Like Nigel sat at the back, & he was doing the "humping" action on Weien. LMAO!

On the road, we last minute decided to go to AMK for dinner.
But we can't call/text the both of them cause they're on the bike. So we communicated this way.
Yes its kinda dangerous but its so funny. Many road users kept giving us weird stares.

Btw, the sky today was BEAUTIFUL!
I saw 3 rainbows & the sunset makes the sky in a very nice shade of orange.
The clouds also formed very artistic shapes.
The sky is like an award for our hard work today (:
At AMK, Jz brought us to this place for dinner.
Last time he's been telling me he wna bring me to this place, but we didn't have the chance to try.
Since today we're all out together, he's bringing all of us there.

This place is awesome cause the main is only at $9.90 with a huge serving.
This is not the best part. The best thing is...
Is this a snatch or what!?? I say its a really good deal!!!11

All of us were famished by the time we reach the place.
So we went to get the soup first. They have cream soup & Bosch soup.
I drank mushroom soup & I was sold! ITS DAMN FREAKING NICE!!
I drank like, 2 bowls. & I told myself I will drink 5 bowls today. Haha.

My main - Chicken Chop & Grilled Dory Fish w Tempura Prawns & Potato Salad
Did you see how much food there is on the plate!??
Almost everybody's plate is filled with mouth-watering food.
I think all their mains consist of 2 or 3 meat. Like, chicken, fish, lamb etc etc...

Jz's main - Chicken Cutlet & Grilled Dory Fish w Chicken Sausages, Prawns & Potato Salad
As usual, Jz & I swapped our plates to try each other's orders.
I think what he ordered is so much nicer than mine! The chicken's crispy & really nice.
Oh btw, you can chose the sauce that you want. I chose Black Pepper at first but regretted it.
So I asked for Tar Tar sauce from the waitress after that :/

Everybody digging in...
I was so damn full even before finishing half of the food on my plate.
The portion is really, for giant. I have to stand up to complete my food :/

Our table number was 17 & it was also Jz's jersey number.
So I took this artistic shot of him with the number plate.
Thank you for bringing us to this awesome place for dinner, Dearest! <3

Another gay after the outing. The guys like to wear same clothes.

Home, sweet home with sunburn, muscle aches, cuts & bruises all over my body...
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