Australia Zoo
Home of the Crocodile Hunter
Ever since I was young, I have been watching Steve Irwin's Crocodile Hunter almost EVERYDAY!
I super love his shows & that's because I super love him!
The love & passion he has for not only crocodiles, but all sorts of animals.
He led a very good example as a father, as well as a hero in the animal kingdom.
That said, I was so stoked for today's trip to the Australia Zoo!
I can't believe that I am really actually going to the place that I've been wanting to come since I was so young!
Just like Gold Coast, its like I am living in a dream! I can't stop slapping & pinching myself.
We woke up very early in the morning because we have lots of train & buses to catch.
Took the bus from our house to the Central subway to take a train out of Brisbane.
We were on time to catch the train, but it was delayed for 20mins due to faulty unit. What the...
I realize everytime we take train will have problem one leh. Last week track maintenance, now faulty unit.
I realize everytime we take train will have problem one leh. Last week track maintenance, now faulty unit.
Look at their interesting warning signs. Not like Singapore, so serious.
Our train arrived. We're taking to Nambour station.
It was about 1hour 20mins train ride before arriving at Nambour station.
There's lots of scenery along the way. It feels so good to just pluck-in your iPod & enjoying the scenery.

Upon arrival, we asked the station officer what time the Shuttle Bus will come as we thought there's a fixed time.
Who knows, he called the Australia Zoo & a bus came to pick us up. For FREE!
This service is really good. We felt like we're some VIP.
Not only did the bus come just to pick us up, we're the only ones in this BIG bus!
After about 5mins, we're finally here at the Australia Zoo, at Steve Irwin Way!
The bus actually alighted us at the main entrance, but we purposely walked out to the road to take tourist piccies.
Ahhh! My idol...!!!!

Even though it is mentioned on the website that Student Pass must be produced to buy Student tickets,
we just tried our luck & told the ticketing office that we're students from Singapore.
Guess what, they actually just sold us the ticket at Student price which is AUD$47 without any pass for prove!
I guess over here in Australia they are generally flexible. Not like Singapore, law-by-law.
With this, we actually saved AUD$12. Which is equivalent to S$15.60.

I'm trying to prey on the zebra because *ahem!* I am a leopard today.

Just as we entered, there's already a queue for the Elephant feeding.
As a very kia-su Singapore, I went to queue to feed the elephant.
But when it finally reached me, there is no more fruits to feed them already. Kans.
So sad, all the Koala sleeping one. Eeeyer. Wake up leh!
Idk why but I feel like this Koala is super ugly & grumpy-looking.
Like an excited kid just woke him/her up from his nap. Hahahaha. Looks like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch :x

We walked around a little & went to catch the Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Show!

Oh crap, an unglam shot of me munching away on the biscuit I bought that morning for my lunch :x

The birds in the show kept flying around & they flew super close to the audience!
A flock of those white birds flew across my head/face & I could feel the wind when they past.

I realize in every zoo in every country, confirm got 1 lame skit. This is it for Australia Zoo.
Lo & behold, for the most exciting part of the show...

Ok, show ended. Continued walking around.

Steve Irwin's poster EVERYWHERE in the zoo.
I was ecstatic to be able to come to the Australia Zoo because I've been loving his shows since young.
But every time I come across his posters, my heart sank. He's no longer around D':
I like how they had an open-concept for the visitors to have hands-on & close-contact with the Kangaroos.

We can even purchase the Kangaroo food from a vending machine at AUD$2/pack to feed them.

A small little hedgehog/porcupine walking round-and-round its nest. #foreveralone
Awww, a baby joey...
Disgusting-looking Turkey found everywhere in the Kangaroo park. Go away la, freak!

Let's proceed to Wet Lands. Basically its just birds la. Nothing much.

Koala Walk! Now we're talking.
In the Koala Park. The Koalas here are much more awake. Though a few is still sleeping.
This little one is so cute! He is eating.
Can't really see but I'm patting a sleeping Koala.

It drizzled a little & we're the only ones carrying an umbrella. Feel so retarded.

Elephants Show.
Elephant drinking water straight from the pipe. So cheeky.

The zoo keepers demonstrate to us how they do health-checks for the elephant everyday.
Here's one checking the toes to see if there's any stone or grimes stuck.
Here's to check the teeth. I bet the elephant's mouth is super smelly. Poor keeper.

While we're walking out to another place, we saw the keeper playing with the Wombats!

They look so cute & cuddly but their fur is really thick & rough.
Also, do not be fooled by its appearance, Wombats can actually kill dogs by crushing their skull.

The baby Wombat looks like a rabbit! Cuteness overloaddd!!
A random lizard on the pavement.
We walked past the Giant Croc again & I wanted to do a pose like this.
All the tourist waiting to take photo with it is like looking & laughing at me. Lolol.

Next we went to catch the Crocodile Show.
Nothing much la. Quite boring. We left halfway through the show :x The crocodile was humongous though :x

Aftermath, we also went to watch the Croc show before taking the tram to the Africa side.
In order to get to the Africa side, we can't walk over, so the only way to go is by tram. & it comes in every 20mins.
But there's not really much to see over there at that place.
The baby Rhino that is only 8months old.
Also, I realized the Rhinos are brown in colour. I always thought Rhinos are grey :X
The zoo closes at 5pm. There is a free shuttle bus from the zoo to the train station at 430pm.
November 15 - an international & annual event to celebrate the extraordinary life of the one & only Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin.
The day will represent the many things Steve was passionate about: FAMILY, WILDLIFE CONSERVATION & FUN!
Steve Irwin Day is also a day where people around the world join together to raise money for Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors
to help continue Steve's conservation work & the preservation of wildlife & wild places.
P/S; Photo credits to Rina & Shalom!
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