Suitcase Rummage & The Finders Keepers
Every 1st Sunday of the month, the locals and/or foreigners would have a giant flea market in the city.
As compared to Singapore, the rate to set up a stall is so much cheaper!
In Singapore, it cost around S$50? But over here, just AU$10!
Also, the price set for apparels/bags/shoes can go up to as high as $50 or even more.
Unlike Singapore, if the clothe I want is >S$10, I would bargain until it's <$8. Haha.
The variety over here is much much bigger than Singapore's too. They even sell antique stuff!

Shorts dyed in many different colours.

So many vintage bagggs! I eyed one & considered it all the way until we combed the entire flea.
In the end, I didn't get it. Because its AU$25 & I feel that I could get it at better rate elsewhere.

Many people also hand-made stuff to sell. Like bags, pouches etc.

Oppsy, caught spending money on clothes :x

Hand-made little pouches that are so cute! I wanted to buy but its too expensive.

So cute! Some hand-made apparels for babies...

The sun is super hot today! I swear it gave me dizzy-spells.

After walking around & covered the entire flea market with all the little stalls, we had Jap Bento for lunch!
Also, nothing beats a cup of sweet drink after lunch! Did I mention that the bubbletea here is super nice??
After lunch, Faith brought us to another flea market happening close-by at The Old Museum.
It is called The Finders Keepers.

When we arrived, we thought we were late at its already 330pm when they close at 4pm.
The place looks so quite & deserted. Doesn't seem like there's a flea here.

From one look, you can see that this place is full of arty-fartsy stuff.
If you love art of you love hand-making stuff, you'd love this place.
I am not an art-lover, but I love scrap-booking. When I was there, I can't stop going ga-ga!
But the stuff they sell over here is VERY expensive. *VERY!*

The place is much quieter & smaller than Suitcase Rummage. This is 1 hall, there's total of 3 halls.

Even their name-card design is so nice! We don't dare to anyhow take cos scared need to pay money.

There's also stores along the corridor between the 3 halls.

Cute little soft human organs thingy.

Lots of different wrapping paper for you to choose from. It can be used for layering as well!

The owner of this store sells notebooks/diary/planner. It is super nice & sweet-looking! But too ex :/

Cute little shoes for babies. I swear the inside is super soft! Soft enough for baby skin.

Look how small it is on my palm!

Look at these, they are actually notebooks but their covers are ripped off from old books!
The owner just grab some old books, tore off the covers, add sheets of paper inside & bind them. How creative!

They also do have a few stores selling apparels, but they are all over-priced :x

That's all for Level 2. Over at Level 1, there are much more interesting stuff happening.
Lots of food, people lying on the deck-chairs absorbing the sun-rays & chatting with their family/friends...

I really love this concept, promoting family-orientation & enjoying LIFE!
Even if you are alone & would like some time on your own, you can just grab a deck-chair & chill.

Customers who bought their milk-shakes have to cycle on their own to blend the fruits/juices together.
So fun & cool!

We also realize that The Old Museum is a pretty good place to take sceneric shots! Hehehe.

Bon Voyage, Faith! ♥
Thank you so much for bringing us around to so many awesome places!
P/S; Photo credits to Faith, Rina & Shalom!
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